๐Ÿ’‹ SweeT sTeViE ๐Ÿ’˜
"Almost your personal on-line fren!"
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No creepy cookies


Explainers About Stuff & Thangs

Knowledge Flower Begonia
Begonias for Knowledge

{ Emell }   { ~Secure }   { Find }   { Judges }   { Erros }   { Opens in new Tab or Window๐Ÿค }

#   Tue ๐Ÿ“— 31 aug 2021 22:24:58 ๐Ÿ“ง // K2HB

(E-mailing to Lil'Joe)
lil joe email

    First thing to know is: Lil'Joe is silly for that "new emell smell". I know, it's crazy, but that's how it is around here.

    Second thing to know is that that Lil'Joe won't never (even ever) post your:

    . . . in other words, your privates, to the [sweet] ๐Ÿ’‹ SweeT sTeViE ๐Ÿ’˜ webpage(s) — or anywheres else, either. The asteriskeded items are conceivable for publicating but only if you give clear, direct permission for each one, identified by filename and extension.   [Make it easy on ol' Lil'Joe and just don't send that screwball stuff.]  

    (Just as an aside, you'd be crazy like a nut to send that stuff anyway, but ya just never know . . . what a world!)

    What? Oh yeah. If you wanna send along some kooky name to use in place of your real name and you clearly identify it as fake name suitable for publicating on dank webpage(s), then yeah that's OK.

    But other than those few things above, Lil'Joe (who apparently enjoys referring to himself by his own name, which is off-putting) will assume that whatever you send is meant for publicating, unless you say it ain't, as we already said up there before.

    And no, Lil'Joe won't publicate your privates even if you say to. So please, don't waste your finger exercise on that!

    So that's about it. If you want to emell that Lil'Joe, who is not weird and doesn't smell weird, go right ahead. If you saw a UFO or some BigFeet or something other-worldly and you feel like sharing, please do.

    PLEASE MAKE A MENTAL NOTE FOR YOUR PERUSEMENT:   Any funny business, meaning anything not legal (or even of questionable legality) will get reported to the central authorities as soon after it has been seen as possible. [ASAIHBSAP, if you're into jargon and stuff] If you wanna call us names or say we're stupid, that's fine. Except for Kaylee who don't like (verbiage-wise) roughhousing or horseplay. And that's that Kaylee's G_D-given, unalien right! Why would you disagree with that? ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

— LJ —


#   Thu ๐Ÿ“— 02 Sep 2021 23:14:04 ๐Ÿ˜ต // 84JH   top

SweeT sTeVie Security

Summations Summary: This site neither asks for your privates nor does it sneaky-pete any of them; therefore, there is no reason for these (sweet) webpage(s) to implement HTTPS. Heck, we don't even bake cookies. So, don't worry about it. No matter what Mega-Goob says. ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜… [10-25-2023]

The Executive Summations:Though it is, technically, correct that SweeT sTeViE wepage(s) are insecure and TLS-less, it is Abundantly and Overwhelmingly TRUE that due to the hundo-p absence of sweaty crypto miners, magic tracker pixils, horrid cookies, entire jungles of questionable coffee scripts, key-loggers (and other assorted modern trash,) that SweeT sTeVie webpage(s) which never ask you to give up your privates just to see some sweet stuff,is one of the hands-down safest collection of documents that you have ever and maybe ever will stuff down your webpage reader. But if you want the full applecart, keep reading . . .

    First thing to know is: Ur computer browser program is right: SweeT sTeVie sweet webpages are (in)secure and pass around wisdom in the plain ol' clear. There ain't even a thin layer of secured sockets on none of them! (๐Ÿšซ TLS)

    Bazoom! ๐Ÿ’ฅ Does that mean my e-lectronic digital computer device is now haxed up like Genghis Kong woke up on the wrong side of the bed with a splitting headache and craving violence even though he knew full well that never solved anything? I was just tryna find some chill and now this cruddy webpage punched my browser on the nose!?

    Spanky, please, you've worked yourself into a frenzy. People are gonna think you've got a condition. I implore you to refind your chill. Everything is OK. Allow me (really Kaylee, thank you, Kaylee — you're welcome, SS!) to explain . . .

    The only reason you want all kinds of secure sockets layered on your internet program is because of if you're doing something that needs to be secret. Let's say you were trying to give your banking digits and credit card information and sweaty crypto to some people in exchange for pictures of nekkid stuff, well . . . and G_D knows you don't want all your secret sauce sprayed all over the godforsaken internet like a can of wet noodles! Obviously. Or maybe you're just trying to purchase some vitamins and a toothbrush and a dank fedora hat from Jeff's webpage because he said he wuddunt gonna charge ya gas money to drive that stuff over to your crummy hangout.   [Sorry about that 'crummy'. I'm sure it's very nice.]   Again, obviously.

    But think this through with me, Spanky; I wanna let you know my mind: are you trying to give the [sweet] SweeT sTeVie webpage(s) all kind of secret information you've got squirreled away? Even though it wouldn't matter if you were because there isn't anyway for you to do that with SweeT sTeVie webpage(s)!

    Spanky, you gotta calm down and think it through! SweeT sTeVie webpages not only doesn't ask you for all your most intimate digits but on top of that don't even wazoo your (internet) face with all kinds of magic tracker cookies and sneaky pixils and creepy AF commercial weirdness no matter where you go! When was the last time you visited such a genteel (and sweet) passel of webpages? Probably like twenty-five years ago, if that, or ever!

    Unlike your cat,   [G_D bless its cunning soul]   SweeT sTeVie webpage(s) ain't tryna pee in your sandbox, Spanky! Why do you find this so difficult to fathom? What a world! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

    But don't take it from the person who put the sTeVie in the SweeT then, listen to your digital browser applicattion which will tell you that SweeT sTeVie webpage(s) is the only site you've visited in a very long time that isn't trying to bury you under secret magic cookie trackers and make you fill out forms like you were at the Post Office. Or or, if you know someone who is good at internet computers like Kaylee, then get them to look things over. If you don't wanna accept that, I don't know what else I can do for ya. Spanky, please, you're starting to scare me a little bit.

    What's that? Why don't SweeT sTeVie webpage(s) wanna jimmy-jack your internet computer with all that whacko crapola that seems to be perfectly acceptable nowadays? Well, Spanky (and I say this with a heart full of sunshine for you and yours): That really is just none of your concern.

    Do you carry around your grocery list you jotted down on a scrap of greasy old lunch sack in a built-ford-tough locked Samsonite hardened briefcase handcuffed to your wrist with a chain with which you could pull five freight trains? You do? Oh, my . . . Spanky, you may need help. Why won't you ask for help? There's no shame in it! (Kaylee will pray for you and your lucky again because K is good at that. No charge, too. Whazat? Well, you're very welcome.)

    If the complete and total lack of threats makes you so uncomfortable that you need a bunch of secret sockets plastered on everything all the time, then I guess you should best go back to nudie pages and cut-rate dental care products and Al Capone hats. J_s_s H. G_D, though it is a sin, sometimes I almost feel discomfited.

— SS —


#   Mon ๐Ÿ“— 20 Sep 2021 20:48:13 ๐Ÿ” // 7R8S

(Find with Search)

Spanky, this is your ๐Ÿ’‹ SweeT sTeViE ๐Ÿ’˜ speaking. I have had my brainz gonged around by your pouring your consternation right in my earholes about how to search these [sweet] webpage(s). Lucky for you the year is past 2000+20 and so nothing could be easier. That's not true. There are, as you know, easier things but I was only using that as figured speech; that is to say, it's pretty easy. Can we agree on that at least? Fine, fine . . .

So, even though it is almost inconceivable as to how you would want to, leave be need to, search clammy webpage(s) all the time, I'm going to give you the help you so desperately need.

But I ain't just gontuh ask ya to stick out your palm to me so that I can lay a fish on it. Nope, I'm gonna tell ya how to tie a hook to a string and then tie 'em both as one to a stick of cane so you can get fish whenever the mood takes you — and not just on SweeT sTeViE webpage(s) but on any webpage(s).

Good heavens, I hope you are experiencing a feeling of gratitude right now. Listen: feeling your gratitude is something you should do at least once a day anyway so I actually deserve 2X thanks (at least) because now you get a fishing cane and the feeling of gratitude that is a vital component in a well-balanced mental diet — Whazzat? Well, you're almost as welcome as rain in the last quarter of mid-August! Now I feel gratitude from your thanks on gratitude. See? We did it — yay us! \๐Ÿ˜„/

But back to the topic we had underfoot . . . which was how can you search SweeT sTeViE webpage(s) when you don't want to search the other 12.4 DecaZillion web pages out there that might not even have what you're looking for anyway. All ya gotta do is tell your favorite search motor that you only want to find on just a particular bunch of webpage(s).

The way you do this is to go to your favorite search finder and I don't mind saying to you, my Spanky-roo, that you having a favorite find page is disturbing — Spanky, please, I don't know what's got into you but you're frightening me a little bit. Jeez o' Pete. What a hyper Spanky you are some of the time. ๐Ÿ™„

But even though your over-attachment to stuff is going to boil your spiritual radiator right over, I'm going to attempt to cover all the bases in the hopes that you can calm down.

To wit: when you go to your Bing or your DuckDuckGo or whichever one of the find-it pages is your (just wow) favorite the way you tell it that you only want to look through a certain pile of webpage(s) is to preface your please-find-this-stuff query with . . .

site[space]stuff where "site" is the website to which you wish the search confined. (Like maybe sweetstevie.com) Let's say limited. Ain't like your putting your websearch in jail or anything. And [space] doesn't mean you type that but press the spacebar key one time. And stuff means whatever it is that you thought you'd find on the webpage(s).

You can also do a !site[space]stuff and you don't even need to put your dot com on it, either! The ! version is called "Bangs" and you can read on DuckDuckGo for everything about that because it seems to work really good.

site[space]stuff and let me tell ya, it works like g-damned hose. But it's on your Microsoft so I'm sure you already knew that.

For Google, do it the other way:stuff:site and you don't even need your spacebar key. I'll tell you this, though: The Google doesn't like SweeT sTeViE webpages very much because the lack of military-grade encrypted sockets pasted anywhere on a humble set of webpage(s). You can see above about how silly that is.

Now, don't get me wrong. It ain't exactly like there is much here for Google to rake up a giant pile of smackers from. I mean, if you had some Ghengis Kong-sized industrial leaf raker would you airlift it over to a forest full of leaves or the parking lot of some down-on-its-luck stripmall where the last tree died like fifteen years ago and there's not even much trash because no body even goes there? That's just science. Or at least financials and the point is that as far as dollarizing goes, [sweet] SweeT sTeViE webpage(s) aren't even cold boogers, let alone hot snot, so I get that part completely. What I take my exceptions on is The Google's mortal terror of simple, static webpages that don't reach in your pocket or smack your butt or cat-call at ya or stick secret trackers on ya or stalk ya or ask ya for any of the information most people call their privates. The bank has a vault with a two-foot-thick steel James Bond and his Submarine-looking mega hatch thing, but at home I get by with a crummy door and an off-brand deadbolt that the finish wore off of like ten years back. — What? Yes, and a doorknob, and a doorknob. Spanky I admit my faults sometimes, but you need to admit that you can be a little picky about things and that's not to say anal or anything like that.
— LJ —

The capitals up there on those sites isn't because you need to go put your capslk on hyper or anything like that. Example stuff is always in CAPS and I think every body is familiar with that or should be. ๐Ÿคจ

Here are a couple of examples to get you going. Think of it like when someone gave you a push to get the cranks turning when you were learning to ride a bike and kept wrecking your head into trees and bushes and parked cars and even curbs all the damned time. Though the results of the push were frequently disastrous, the push itself was from a treasure of love and, after all, it isn't as though the pusher could do anything for ya once you were out of hand and sailed away like a haint in the wind. You can find up Epictetus all about that. I don't have time and he [his pronoun, not mine] said it pretty good for a degenerate heathen.

And so, if you'll allow me a few minutes to micturate my urine (pee) [don't be like Jeff and deny me my pee-time] I will return and you'll get the examples the same as if you hadn't waited at all . . . which you did not, due to the time-shifting we've got going with these [sweet] webpage(s) that don't cost you one penny.

See how effortless that was? [For you.] Spanky, you need to learn to relax! Stop being such a little jitterbug!

So there you have it, Spanky, and for free, too. And remember you can search any webpage(s) not just SweeT sTeViE with those same tips. Please don't say I never gave you anything because I already just did. You're welcome for the pole, but not the fish, though. ๐ŸŽฃ ๐Ÿšซ ๐ŸŸ

(If that stuff gets all changed around, you can look up how to do it on the internet for the time at hand.)
Even OR you could just do a find-on-page with your webpage reader's [Command]-F on the permanent list index page as that'll likely get ya close enough …


#   Sat ๐Ÿ 16 Oct 2021 21:29:15 ๐Ÿฆ‰ // 9T4X


I'm surprised at how often this one comes up, given that whether or not you judge crappy webpage(s) is sorta the last thing in the world you might should be worrying about. But I made a strong conclusion to myself when I started making (sweet) SweeT sTeViE webpage(s) that I would do my best to make explainers about stuff that tended to crop out more than just time-to-time, as it were …

And so. The question is should you judge?

I will here remind you what J_s_s had to say about that and then if you're still confused, well, I'll give you my own personal twenty bucks on the topic. The sweet, pink baby L_ord said: "be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves". I don't know how The Ascended Master could've been even more clear on it. Let me put it to you in a way that modern people might be able to take in a little better. No, we aren't yet to reach the stage of post-symbolic communication like the g-damned cephalopods have, but I'm not one to shy from making doo with what I've got, so hear ya go: ๐Ÿฆ‰ ๐Ÿ / ๐Ÿ˜‡ ๐Ÿ•Š. Hey! That worked pretty good given that neither you nor me wear our brains in our eight disgusting arms! ๐Ÿ™

Sometimes why I even try is beyond my ken.

As to what that means, what it means, Spanky, is that you shouldn't just go around judging people all the time. It ain't your damned jog and it'll make (irregardless of the person who needs a little playful judging) you all knotted up and unhappy just as when your undies ride up your smelly gluteal cleft on a humid day and you can't dig 'em out lest you look uncouth to the other bodies climbing up your nose about every little thing like some heathen COVEDs.

I think you do too see what I'm gonging in your earholes. Nope, I think you do.

But let's pretend you don't; pretending is fun; that's why kids do it all the time; that's why J_s_s said you gotta make like a little kid before you're going to get anywhere on being a well-rounded adult.

Though you are ever OK in my book (though you can be a teeny bit exhausting at times, Spanky-roo) I'll just say it to you in the plainest language that we have available to us in this year we call Two Zero / Two One:

Don't judge a bodie unless that bodie judges on you; and, in that case, judge the holy crap out of 'em.

Fair is fair, and what's good for the lunatic of a goose is just as good for the a-hole of a gander. Literally everyone who is being honest knows that's literally true. Literally.

no-no-no-no-no. If you want the Holy Book referrals on that stuff, then you can go look it up on the internets as I already explained to you further up on this Explainer Page. If you aren't going to make use of the pearls I cast right in front of your fungusy little toes, then I will — and without reservations — judge ya. And Spanky-doodle, you can believe me when I tell ya that all things in the woodshed, I'd rather not. But I can't hold your hand forever because I'd rather teach you to go fishing!

— SS —

66654~8521~33394 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ hot damn!
believe it or not,
that's what popped
out the flow … ๐Ÿ’–

#   Wed ๐Ÿ“— 24 Nov 2021 13:08:11 ๐Ÿง // VN35

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I found a typo, a grammatical error, a syntax error, even! Gahhhhh! Please, what is all this crap? You're killing me! Splanky, please calm down. You're going to give yourself a condition. The explanation for these planet-threatening errors is this: it's a daybook; it's not all that well edited. But if losing your mind over another's mistakes gets your blood moving, then by all means carry on. And …   You're Welcome, I guess …

#   Wed ๐Ÿ“— 11 Oct 2023 15:18:43 ๐Ÿง // J24G

See Current

๐Ÿ˜    Angry

๐Ÿฅฑ   Bored / Lethargic

๐Ÿ˜•   Confused

๐Ÿ˜จ   Frightened

๐Ÿ˜ค   Frustrated

๐Ÿ˜Š   Happy

๐Ÿ—   Hungry

๐Ÿ˜   Neutral

๐Ÿ˜Œ   Peaceful / Relieved

๐Ÿ˜ฎ   Shocked

๐Ÿ˜ด   Sleepy

๐Ÿ˜ซ   Tired
