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work out

April Flower Sweetpea
Sweetpees for April

# Post 62PK on 04-11-2022
stick figure workout #
Resolution Salvage
A line on the page
Now Spanky, every body knows that those resolutions you made for the New Year are pretty much dead and buried. Don't beat yourself up about that! Because time keeps jogging right along; meaning, you can still change today right now to influence the future. Even if you can't change the past. That's just how it is! There is no body to blame for this state of affairs, not even your "self".
So what in the name of blue Jehoshaphat am I trying to tell you here? Why not do the right thing for you and every other body and try to re-achieve your BMI? That COVEDs is a nightmare devil, for sure, but do you ever stop to think of the endless hospital/health care system clogging up that goes on from people endeavoring to drive their BMIs to the moon? Why, even without the COVEDs scourge it is appalling.
But there is a COVEDs scourge striping our backs, and guess what? Science says that people with an engorged BMI have a much (Much) worse time on that COVEDs than people who keep their BMI down to a stadium roar.
And so in an effort to help motivate and instruct you, Spankathon, I have embedded that little digital computer image graphic up there to show you a quick and easy way to get your "self" back on track.
You're Welcome

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