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bacon potato egg taco

Feb Flower Primrose
Primroses for February

# Post B8FA on 02-13-2022
Bacon Potato Egg Taco
No, no, don't look!
You might began to haul off
and whorship the dang thang …

A line on the page
don't go too crazy with this or you could send your BMI sky-high and your chances of testing the dreaded βž• for COVEDs through the roof and straight up your nose. πŸ¦ β¬†πŸ‘ƒ please don't do that! 🚫
Good grief! It was just so big (and so gooood) that I was (unlike those chipped and fried t8rs from Lay's Fritos) able to eat only just one. πŸ‘‰ Notable: I for the first time tried my egg-in-the-bacon-foil-boat method and it worked great. Now what is the EITBFB (for you jargon buffs) method? Well, first I need to tell you the foil boat method:
[Now Spanky, I don't have time this morning to get into my technique for forming perfect, no-drip corners on your foil boat, but if you just dink with it a little you'll probably discover it on your own. Nevertheless, you prolly want to give your first one a watertight test with water lest you have bacon grease cascading down on those resistive coils and burning down your hangout. 🏁 You have been warned by endeavors to help you not do anything overly stupid. — SS —]
Breaking Updot 21 Feb 22 Spankapotamus, goodness to betsy knows why, but I went ahead and made pictures of how you should construct your folded foil corners so as to contain the tasty and useful (but slightly dangerous) grease. You're welcome!
Foil Boat
Foil Boat Corner
If you want perfect, no hassle bacon, just take a sheet of foil and fold up all four sides (taking care that the cornered edges are proof to fluids, like grease) so that you have a nice, deep baking tray. Slap some those strips of bacon in there. Slap 'em good, too. Pop that in the 415Β°F oven (you don't got to preheat that sucker) then wait 25 minutes, at which time you will have perfect bacon with no splattery mess up the walls. And a less pervasive pig funk throughout your domestic world. Later when you and the foil have calmed down a little, just huck that foil boat in the garbage! Yep, you are Dunzo-P. That was the bacon-in-the-foil-boat method. The egg version is about ten minutes in (15 minutes left) crack a couple of eggs in there. Now you will have bacon and eggs. πŸ₯“ 🍳
You're Welcome
Speaking of No. 486 — remember how Bad Azzbutt those Intel 486s were? — What's that Spankler? … well, the DX, naturally. Sheesh Spanks, why do you always suspect me of being some sort of a central chip ignoramous? You need to have more faith. But even so: you are ever OK in my book. 😘

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