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2 2 22

Feb Flower Primrose
Primroses for February

# Post D62A on 02-02-2022
Feb Two Twenty-Two #
It's a two-two train!
(aw, c'mon now …)
A line on the page

Looky hear Spank, that 2 2 22 is a fun number — I'll just go ahead and as if it were some freakish, TV-cook stew and kick it up a notch and say: It's CC:FUN! Why? I dunno. Because stuff is repeating along? Yeah, yeah, but still people notice crap like that and so it still counts. If not, please explain the billions spent on vertising ads all over G_d's blue marble.
~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~
L8R Updot:
ΒΆ   And it is a lucky ol' date numbers! New COVED reporting guidance takes effect today. What's out? Data on prev. day COVED deaths, flu deaths, beds, staffing, ventilators, ventilators in use. That's what I like to see, paring it down so as not to overwhelm the computers that might be limited by space even though you could store millions of those elements in the space needed for a reasonable dikpik. Still, waste not, want not! As poor little Richard or somebody said. Who needs that stuff?
ΒΆ   What's IN? Anything to do with Kids with COVED: positivies, hospital kids, ICU kids, etc. Plus, it's looking like more and more each day that we can get that Anti(COVEDS) shot down to maybe 2 years old! Also on track, maybe that Remdoosivir for infants over 7.5lbs.
ΒΆ   Spanky, if all that ain't enough to call it a lucky day then I don't know what to tell ya. I do feel a bit miffed that all that data wasn't being sourced before but they probably just didn't think of it and stuff. I hope that none o' that fertilizes some new demographic too much, but I'm not really that worried since the scientists and computers probably already thought of that and have it all worked out . . .
ΒΆ   One thing I do kinda wish is that we here in the USA (USA!) would grind the flour a little finer. I mean, all we report on any of these outcomes (incomes?) is VAXXED or UNVAXXED. Now if you will remember Spank-Proteins, ya ain't VAXXED until you've had all the shots and even after the last one there's a little time for it to all kick in good; that's a long time where if you have troubles you go down as UNVAXXED. And it looks like there's a fourth on the way so even with that Boostar you might be an UN rather than a straight VX. Point being spank that the more data points you can feed that Artifical Mentation, the better picture you're gonna get. Heck, that's true even if it's just some crummy old stats person with thirty years experience and a sidline in theoretical mathematics giving it the hairy eyeball. But the world ain't perfect! And I'm sure that if it was the experts (sharp as diamond tie tacks) would've already throught of that a long time ago anyway! So what am I thinking of here? Whole lot o' nuthin', Spankster. Like usual. Oh what a tangled tapestry we weave when we endeavor to perceive!

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