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crown vic h8r?

Feb Flower Primrose
Primroses for February

# Post HBKR on 02-09-2022
Fiery Crown Victoria footnote
I refuse to believe that the
Rex Maris hates
πŸ‘‘ Victorias
A line on the page
Is this some of that mis-dis-mal-information (MDM-I) that the Bureau of Security for the Land We Call Home has been warning about? Gosh, I sure hope so. Just by category of refusal, I will not believe that Merrick Garland — who glories in the high-sounding name of Sea King — hates lovely Crown Victorias enough set them aflame. (Or if the picture isn't meant to associate our Sea King with arsonism on a sterling example of the Ford Panther Platform sedan, that they† enjoy such automotive flambeaus. No, no; I refuse to even consider for truth this kind of digital electronic graphic scurrility! And you shouldn't either. I think. — Whazzat, Spank? … well, what I think may have happened is that that beautiful car may have been honking its joy of its existence to the world and that Justin Truedough‑ up in Ottawa thought it was joining the Convoi de la LibertΓ© (2022) and sent a battery-powered, remote-controlled buzzycopter to blow it to Kingdom Come!
Muh Big Rigs!
Justin is crazy about those
Born Free Big Truckin' Big Rigs!

Why does Justin think everything in the world is French? Now granted, plenty of those pretty Crown Victorias were put together in Canada — mostly to skirt environmental regulations by branding them imported (heh) — but Justin is starting to get a little nutty if thinks it's French Crown Vics gonging his brains out of his skull with tootie-toot-toots and beeps and prideful honks. Why, oh why, must everything be so confusing all the times? It's a fair question, Spanky; don't try to say that it's not.
footnote The source of this image (as far as I know) is here.
† Pronoun status unknown. Defaulting to 'they' because here in 2022 we don't have any according to hoyle option for this rather common situation. πŸ™„ 🧯
‑ As far as I know we don't yet have any way to shade the name (or pronoun) so as to indicate that someone identifies as a different race than what they are. Perhaps when this {racist, misogynist Mother Trucker insurrection}Β§ is put to bed, Justin can get the Dot Gov of Canada to lay off the Crown Goose for an hour or two (I know, I know!) and create a rubric to shift the paradigm a smidge — maybe even move the needle!
[ πŸ‘‰ Now Spankenstein, you need to listen. I ain't advocating for people to run around all over the place appropriating the races of other g_d-given human beings. That's not what I'm saying! And I don't yet have enough education on it to disentingle the DNA vs. Identity kerfuffle. But dangit, Spankottawa, I am trying. I can't help it I'm a little slow on the brain level, tho. Unlike Elizabeth Warren (Indigenous Peoples of North America said they† ain't one of them and that's enough for this sack o' taters) and Rachel Dolezal and Justin I don't get a big kick out of tricking people as to what my race cultural genetics might be. So don't get confuzzled. ButT some people do do that doo-doo head crap and what I'm saying is that we don't have a way to indicate that terrible stuff. Should we indicate it? Y-knot? Y-knot? Why should they sneaky-pete through the mainstream written word while causing so much grief with their insensitive antics in meatspace? ]
Β§ for you jargon buffs, that RMMTI is according to Justin who has said that those who don't want the (anti)COVEDs shot(s) suffer from a litany of nasty attitudes and perverse personality traits, and that since the Born Free Big Truckin' Convoy is (anti)COVEDs Mandates, well … Plus also, Justin has made their† very negative feelings about the Convoi de la LibertΓ© plain as the tattoos on a white supremacist's neck. I think you can see that though Justin enjoys a bit of cultural appropriation now and again, they is clearly on the side of the Good Foot, and I see no reason to doubt that they is unanimous on that!
Leeeeeeeeenk, leeenk, Link-a-delphia!
Link-link, link-link, Link-a-delphia!

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