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coveds tourism

Feb Flower Primrose
Primroses for February

# Post HYLM on 02-10-2022
(COVEDs Tourism)
If you had the time and the money you could travel to a country that is already hep to the fourth booster and get ahead of the COVEDs! Heck, I bet some enterprising soul could set up an all inclusive package covering accomodations, boostars, meals, maybe some sight-seeing … Y-knot?
A line on the page
This is probably a really good idea. You could book the whole thing on a geniusPhone, though you would, of course, still have to hassle your meat body through spacetime to go somewhere. ΒΆ That kinda stinks. If we could get legislation in place that allows you to be temporarily resident to somewheres else by Zommeroonie then you wouldn't even need to go to the Land of Aggressive Boostars to get your fourth, fifth, and sixth! (Some person with permanent residence in Boostarville could come and boost ya right up!) Heck, all kinds of fun stuff could happen if we would let go of imaginary lines on maps and grant Zoomeroo the rights that only make sense. ΒΆ And what about vacations? People love their Zoomerooni, say that it works just great for officey crud, so why not just vacation by Zoomeroon? Wouldn't that be nifty? You could give some remote local some sweaty crypto and go around just like if you were there! ΒΆ Better yet, just zoom around by drone. And if it's set upright you'd never even need to talk to another person, start to finish! ΒΆ Do you have any idea how much damage is done to the already fragile environment by people needlessly tooling around in globally heating monstronsities of the transportation kind? A LOT. ΒΆ Why do people hate the planet? And how do you think the people who don't hate the planet (but love the planet more than anything) are gonna feel in 2,877.45833 days when their mega-millions waterfront mansion gets flooded by the melty poles from people flying around all over the place instead of just zooming it in? They'll be lucky if the Arctical Bears don't just surf right down the chimneys like Santa Fey on a three-day drunk!
picture of drunk santa picking their nose
Santa, baby, plz don't wipe
yer boogies on me — yucky!
(and it makes it hurt
when I pee …)

Anyway, after a day of zoomeroo-seeing, come the evening have some kelp-based steak and a vodka with a carrot in it and get another booster! ΒΆ Alas, a person can imagine things, I guess …

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