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abortion men

May Flower Hawthorn
Hawthorn for May

# Post LA6W on 05-03-2022
Pregnant Man Emoji #
Men Get Pregnant too
Men Need Abortions too
A line on the page
While I think most of us good people are feeling upset about the possibility of the goobermint trying to put its sweaty (and not always so clean) hands all over our own personal bodies, I am dismayed that, in the midst of the emotional turmoil triggered upon us by The Leaky Court of Supremes, so many are — maybe only preconsciously — reverting to gender bigotry while trying to express the fundamental rights of abortion.
Even the governor of California, one G. Newsom, took to his musky tweeter and wrote: Β»Our daughters, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers will not be silenced. The world is about to hear their fury. California will not sit back. We are going to fight like hell.Β« See 🐀 Umm, Fight like hell … but only for "daughters" or "sisters" or "mothers"? Ok.
Xsqueeze me? What on earth?! I expect more from a proven staunch supporter of huperson dignity! What about men? Men sometimes get pregnant, and also sometimes require to abort the pregnancy — just like any other body!
Now I don't want to single out Newsom with the laser beams. The governor is not the only body over the past hours to entirely forget pregnant men after that Supreme Leak. Not by a very (very) long shot. The careless gender bigotry is spewing from so many mouths and fingers.
Spanky o' Mine, I would just hate to think that just when we need solidarity and love the most, the stench of gender bigotry sweeps back upon us like the fecal-urine waters from an overflowing commode. Are not especially the most fundamental of Rights to be advocated for all? What happened to the good people? If the basics are to be tossed aside and forgotten at every little emergency, then what exactly has been gained? 😟 My heart feels like an innocent corn toad crushed beneath the oily tires of an earth-polluting ICEmobile. πŸ’”

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