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climate lockdown

April Flower Sweetpea
Sweetpees for April

# Post MCBE on 04-30-2022
And now that we will in the future tomorrow …
A line on the page
Tomorrow will be the first day of May. According to our concensus calendar, of which we are all so fond. (Ish) That means things are going to be getting hotter. (As if things weren't hot enough already.) And the people, they are celebrating taking their face commando on jets and swearing that we shouldn't do no more COVEDs Lockdowns and mowing the yard half-naked and grilling thick, juicy steaks of Fart Cow (slathered in butter & seasonings from half the planet away) and generally trying to see just how high they can take their BMIs … 😬
All just fun and games!
ButT, Spanklers, but …
We don't need fewer Lockdowns — no, we need MOAR. Why? Because of all the heinous huperson activity that has, somehow or other, come to be considered as normal (whatever that means) as baking a cookie too long whereby you end up with a crusty, crumbly, dessicated tooth-rattling horror instead of a toothsome cookie-ookie.
Now Spanky, I know you and therefore I know that you are likely to pull some side-eye and say, Β«Yeah, except that Climate Lockdowns aren't a thing.Β»
Well, they oughta be! We got some good practice in during that first go-round with The COVEDs and it would be a shame to let all that go to waste just because people are addicted to incinerating the planet. What I'm saying, dear Spankeroonie, is: If Climactic Lockdowns aren't a thing, let us make them a thing. This is the only danged planet we've got! (For the increasingly shortening foreseeable future.) πŸ˜” 🌐
What do we want? CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS! When do we want 'em? WELL, TWENTY YEARS AGO WOULD'VE BEEN NICE BUT HOW ABOUT NOW! Please lockdown for the climate — the planet you save could be your own. (Or at least the one you live on.) Remember: what we do right now here today changes the world of the future tomorrow forever.

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