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lady penis

Feb Flower Primrose
Primroses for February

# Post TUPL on 02-23-2022
What on earth is so scandalous
about a lady-penis in the "ladies'" locker room?
A line on the page
Just as regularly as the waxing and waning of luna, a lady-penis-in-the-locker-room story boings up and sends puritans mooncalf with dread. Why is this? Not the story, the lady-peen. Wait, wait: not the lady-peen the freakout story? Aw hek, Spanky-Doodle, you know what I mean! From where does the lunacy arise?
not a graphic of a lady-peen
I'm not putting pictures of any kind o' peens on here, Spank. This is PG-13 show and we are unanimous in that.
First, there is the lady-penis; ok, nothing to see there; the lady-penis exists; there isn't anything to say one way or another — the lady-peen is. So that's not it. Next is a lady in the "ladies'" undressing and showering area. That doesn't seem nuts, either. Could this whole thing just be a duster in a t8r pot?

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