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new year freak out

Jan Flower Snowdrop
Snowdrops for January

# Post ZMCE on 01-01-2022
tmnw   04:40   🕝   1 jan 22   | 27462~9787~63201 [64]
It's January First; it's the first of January! You might write the date like this: 1/1/2022 or even like this 1 Jan 22. You can use dashes, too: 1-1-2022. Don't forget the 20 part though or you might get smacked in the face with a big ol' Y22K Bug 🐛 — and we know how that goes! Can you believe it? January One. Wow. You know what I bet? I bet the World is pretty darned happy right now, given that it is January One and everything … I mean The First Day of January. I feel like a mule just kicked me in the head. It's that good. Wow.

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