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just when ya thought it was safe

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# Post ZSVG on 02-27-2022
Masko Rocket World
Just When You Thought It
Was Safe to Come Out of the Water

A line on the page
So, you'd just about convinced yourself that you maybe didn't need to wear your COVEDs Mask in the shower, and that maybe The Lockdowns might be over, and what happens? Einstein Booms! Planetary War! Gahhhhhhh! I know, Spanky, I know. I mean ain't it just the way? You're sitting there eating a cheesy jalapeΓ±o tortilla dog and not feeling that scared about that COVEDs creeping up your nose and now — this stuff!
hot buttered death
But let me tell you this one (or two) things, Spanky-arelli: Try not to be disappointed. I mean, Masks are probably gonna be a thing for awhile now if there's a Big Ol' War. Because you never know what might happen or what someone might pull! You just don't! Look at this whole russia, Russia, RUSSIA thing. Also, if there are people who get too wound up about it all and start trying to cause troubles, well … that might very well be a good reason to lock it on down once again. I know, I know — we are headed into spring/summer not COVEDs season. But Spank, with things being so on edge it is better safe than sorry. I'd say get ya some good masks while they are still not too spendy, as the good people on the West Coast say. And if ya need to lock it on down for the good of the planet, it's the right thing to do. And besides all that, Spank-dinger-2.0 did you ever stop to think about what if Vlad filled his Einstein Booms with some kind of even-worse-than-omnicron COVEDs? Hmmm? You must think about these things! But you won't know ahead of time, so masking and social distancing in the fallout shelter will be super important!!
jen psaki
I'll have more to say later about some of the nasty ways people dismiss Jen's mind in preference of herfootnote bod. Nope. I don't like it either, but it is true. And I have receipts, as the kids say.
Also, the COVEDs ain't just about coughing and wheezing and turning blue and having erectile dysfunction and thinning hair, etc. Our very own Jen Psaki (the original two-booze name πŸ‘) has noticed something extremely probable. While making it clear shefootnote is not trying to render a clinical diagnoses on this Vlad, but just to say hefootnote has seemed a little "off" lately. Like he's got ants in his pants or something. And it isn't just Jen. All kinds of folks, including the outrageously wonderful Condoleezza Rice (BIG fan), have mentioned that old Vlad seems wound up. But Jen had a good take on this and mentioned that Vlad has probably been in COVEDs lock down for a really long time and that might have messed up his attitude a little bit. I bet it did! Yet one more awful thing we have to thank this g_d-forsake COVEDs for. ☹
footnote Spanky, please don't yell at me for the gendering. I do my best. I went and checked Jen's and Vlad's Tweeters and Webcyclopedias but I found no preferred pronouns. I would think it would be without saying for Blue Checkmarkers to have their pronouns in a row, but I guess not. Probably an oversight. And if they are there now, well how could I know back then. That's just how time works, Spank. πŸ’˜ So, I have to do without direct communications and just go with what seems to be the common usage at this time.

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