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Sex Body Gender Memes

Oct Flower Marigold
Mary Golden for October

In referring on:

  #   06 Oct 2021 // ZSKH  

"Gender is a fact"
    — D. Chappelle

If hefootnote said it, then I am feeling surprised as D. Chappelle is an intelligent person who spends a considerable amount of time thinking with words and should know the difference between chromosomes and memes.

Sex — if we define sex as XX or XY chromosomal configuration — is factual as we measure such things. But gender is social construct and therefore is limited only by human imagination. Now, we all (kinda) get what he's digging at there, but still, words do matter — and I think D. Chappelle knows this.

What am I saying? I'm saying this "gender is a fact" phrase was a slippery one. (And not slippery like the birthing canals Chappelle went on to discuss, neither.)

footnote To the best of our ability we determined that D. Chappelle uses the He and if they don't, then we offer our sincere apologies as nothing untoward was intended to them.