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tagebuch // 01 Dec

Dec Flower Narcissus
Narcissus for December

#   Day 📗 2023 futurus ✍

— 01 Dec 2023 —

2023 Ain't happened to us yet …

#   Day 📗 2022 futurus ✍

— 01 Dec 2022 —

2022 Ain't happened to us yet …

#   Day 📗 2021

Go to 30 Nov   📖   Go to 02 Dec

— 01 Dec 2021 —

dream rising moon
Frustration dreams … trying to get a coffee at BOTE & man working on a truck in the crowded parking lot with two woke kids preaching at him about various azzbutt effluent and exhorting on him to use his personal skin to his advantage, a suggestion that offended him. One of the preachy kids said condescendingly, "Religion isn't a group." The donut assistants, uncertain how to handle my order because I wanted my double espresso in the travel tumbler I'd purchased in those before times, motioned this one and that over and talked about it, but found resolution always recedeing. Kids inside having a soccer game right in the middle of G_d and donuts and the ball crashed on to the table of a family having a full breakfast and not just donuts. no one said anything to the soccer enthusiasts. Picking up my coffee (FINALLY) the young woman tells me I can have a free beer. I ask why and she doesn't know. When I press my query, she turns nasty and after checking with another employee she says, "No one knows so I'll have to go digital." Then on goes her headset and she's in a support call where she makes comments such as, "No, they're right here … I don't know what the problem is … I mean, it's free." Seems more like gossip and shade from where I stand, rather than answer-seeking. At the end of it all she turns to me and says: there's a problem with your receipt's server timestamp so we really can't say. During all this, each time I look out the window, I can't see my car; but, when I lean out of the door I'm able to see it right there. I shrug this off and figure my view of it was blocked by other vehicles. Even though this makes no sense. But eventually I come to realization: It is gone! *** Working for Y.R.F. in a large covered patio that serves as his studio. There is a pool only ten feet away and he's directing U.M.Z. in the placement of a hose with a sprinkler attached. He doesn't want the spew from the sprinkler screwing up the ph of the pool water. Or some stupidity. "More back this way, more back this way …" until the sprinkler is sprinkling all over me and the computer! When I go to move the computer, it comes unplugged — a hard crash. Much azzbutt I've never seen before upon reboot, but eventually I think "The car isn't stolen. The computer isn't trashed. When I wake up, all of this disappears." And then I did.

Heroic Adult Beanie Weanie for lunch. So good I even wrote a damned emell about it. 📧