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my new underboxers

Nov Flower Chrysanthemum
Chrystanthemum for November

# Post 4YBP on 11-18-2021
— I've boughten new underpants. G_d knows why, but I thought you needed to know that. — What's that, Spanky? ° Well, Nosey Parker, if you simply must know, these new unmentionables are in the boxer mode. Spanky-Roo, what did you take me for, an unwashed (and therefore smellish) philistine? 🙄 Of all the asinine things …

Now, speaking as a person with a penis (and how else can I speak as being that part of what I AM aside from the brainwashing of culture but just regards the meat) I can say that for some strange reason people tend to put (or 50 years ago — I know, I know — used to tend to put) little peener-owners into underpants styled in the type called "briefs". But by the time I transected time into the thirties, I came to value (and even require) the ones called "boxers". And now? Boxers or nothing. Pretty simple, really. Is the Opens in new Tab or Window influence of the sag 🎵 at work here? I don't know. I understand that the New Peemer Types prefer a thing called a boxer brief. Maybe they're great. How would I know? I have zero intererst in that kind of undergarment. No hate, tho.

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