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be like the bees

Nov Flower Chrysanthemum
Chrystanthemum for November

# Post C4TE on 11-23-2021
There ain't One True Way by which for us human beings as a Society to conduct ourselves. — What's your question, Spanky? … Naw, that ain't some kind of postmodern truth relativity deal. It ain't philosophical. It's just the way it is. We need to be less like sheep and more like bees. Or ants.
Few know this nowadays, but sheeps, like chickens and humans, are contentious creatures. Pecking order battles rule the day. And the nighttime, too. If we are going to ever grow beyond what we are now (and live in space and stuff) we must change. Are "you" the same person you were when you were six? Do you act the same as "you" did after only two trips around our sun? You do? Gosh, that's too bad. Same deal. We people can not live together in huge cities and on spaceships using the rules that worked OK-ish when it was 200 people camped along a stream somewhere. We need heavy-duty cooperation to pull off our next big experiment. But, but, but Muh Individuality! You'll get over that. If you have to. And, ya know, there are things that engorge the ego and create Great Divides amongst the peoples. One of those things is Muh Property. So, if we want a nicer world, it's a small child subtraction problem. Do the math, as they say.
drooling over ego
Drool on your ego

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