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itchy butt makes crazy

Aug Flower Gladioluus
Gladiolus for August

by The Great Me
Itchy butt slows time
Ask Herr Professor Albert E.
He'll tell ya all about it

# Post S2JV on 8-23-2021
jes' 'tween you, me and the fencepost, well . . .
see the thing is, Freddy, ol' pal . . .
it's like this: my butt is itchy and it's driving me crazy as a betsy-bug.
i'm sorry but that's just how it is.
Of course, an itchy butt (just the cheeks not, um, down in there or nothing) isn't the only thing to yoke worries around your neck. I've also had a trouble with a lack of pizzazz in my pee stream, too. There's a lot going on, Spanky; life is just one long tumble down a steep hill.

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