💋 SweeT sTeViE 💘
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# Post QNUM on 02-27-2022
[ cyber cyber cyber cyber cyber cyber talking 'bout cyber this and cyber that cyber in your bohine and cyber in your hat … cyber ]
A line on the page
Now Spankler-arooni, I know that today everyone is freaking out about Russia declaring their Einstein Booms Deterrence Status Level as DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION. I'm aware of that. But you and I both know that wouldn't be nearly as bad as a CYBER-PANDEMICfootnote kicked off by NEATO vs. RUSSIA putting CYBER-VIRUSES on every danged computer hard drive all over the place! What if your Big Outlook got slowed to a crawl or not at all?! I admit that I like to check my email on the toilet sometimes. (A filthy habit that SweeT sTeViE hates like a dickens!) But we can't go back to horses and buggies and paper newspapers, Spank! What if you couldn't look at dank webpages? Or buy manual, single-hole pencil sharpeners for next-to-nothing on Jeff's Webpage? What if you couldn't look at poorly-lit pictures of food and stuff? no, No, NO. I'm trying to help you feel a little better that at least it's only Einstein Booms being threatened rather than THE INTERNET. THAT would be a True Nightmare. According to no less of an authority than Klaus Schwab the CYBER-PANDEMIC would make the COVEDs one look like a walk in the sunshine with a well-heeled pooch! I believe that, too. Say what you want, but KS is a thinker, and it always pays to pay attention.
You're Welcome

footnote 04 Mar 22
Spanks, I don't know if they got cybered or if they just don't maintain their webpages good or if every body is so interested in cyber that it was eating into their bandwidth budget, but that ol' cyber-polygon link at WEF is now just a link to nowhere. Here is an alternate at the internet archive, but it's just doesn't have as much cyber flavor. But you know what? Linkers can't be choosers, as they say.

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