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Autodiscover my Big Outlook

Sep Flower Morning Glory
Mourning Glory for September

In referring on:

  #   29 Sep 2021 // GR35  

"On March 2, Microsoft said there were vulnerabilities in its Exchange Server mail and calendar software for corporate and government data centers. The vulnerabilities go back 10 years, and have been exploited by Chinese hackers at least since January." — Big Hack Exchange (Jordan Novet/CNBC)

Well perfect, that's just perfect!

Yet one more and another reason for Kaylee to come after my Big Outlook. The only problem is: I need the Big Outlook; I clamor for the Big Outlook; I dream of the Big Outlook; I 💖 the Big Outlook and I'm not too ashamed to say that! But I don't get much help from the Big Outlook X-Change Servers themselves — if ever! Five years? Heck, David Bob Jones wasn't even stuck on Mars for that long and they got stuck in some pretty funny places! 😡

Yet some organizations (Goob) are terrified of static webpage(s) w/o a thousand security sockets that don't even track magical pixil cookies, leave alone scrounging for privates. If I was a more down-looking individual, I might notice that all those certificates bring in a tidy ton of smackers, but thank goodness I keep my mind on the rosy-cheeked & fun-loving Good Foot.

And the "fix" on all this Automagic-Discovery of Big Outlook Exchange Servers is a workaroundhack. Let me tell ya a thing: you ever wonder why 🌎 + 🐶 loves mythical Hacker-In-A-Hoodie and a skimask so much? Because it makes the system under "attack" look like it was a worthy opponent for Hoodie Hackadoo to begin with.

Think in and about your mind this way . . .

Imagine a huge, marble-covered bank with like literally tons and physical tons of smackers in it. And this Bank of Marbles is deep in the heart of the state of the art, security-wise. But it just so happens to turnout that the glowing digirrific access panels on the door can be defeated with a wave of a paperclip; and, the cameras can be disabled to show old Bewitched reruns just by holding up a can of ravioli to it (and it don't even have to be the good chef boyardee);and, the Big Central Vault opens right up if you knock three times on it (or maybe even just twice if you have a solid pipe);and, when the million-pound blast door swings wide it triggers a rube-like series of goldbert mechanisms that pops open all the internal cages and safe boxes of deposits, while simultaneously snipping any and all forms of communication to the outside world like the world's best groin level docta doing vasodooktomy on a swinging set of XX/XY/ZZ balls; and, the security persons all get a message that they should take the rest of the day off and get home quickly to receive their $5000.00 bonus check arriving by courier — signature required — in like twenty minutes as of ten minutes ago.

Spanky, even your limited cognition can see right away that eleven oceans of Italian pink panthers wouldn't be necessary to make a truly far out rip-off on an (in)security system like that. I think you can also feel that when that Bank of Marbled Halls gets gutted the press release might want to play it off like the dozen top World-Bank-Security-Geniuses inexplicably got together and spent several thousands of person hours plotting out how to defeat the security System-so-Fearsome they nicknamed it Dreadnought.

I'll tell you this much: another eight or seven of these kinds of foul-ups and people won't even want to keep their medical records in a Big Outlook, which would be a shame since most medical types love the Big Outlook almost as much me.

And yet . . . I do 💖 my Big Outlook. Heck, I love it even more than I love my clicky keyboard — and that's a lot. If only we could just put limes in the grog!

🎵 Yew are muh Outlook / Muh Biggy Outlook / Yew mek me heppy when-tha-emell's grey / Yule never know how, how much I lurve yew / Please don't take muh Big Outlook afar . . .🎵

Sing it!