๐Ÿ’‹ SweeT sTeViE ๐Ÿ’˜
"Almost your personal on-line fren!"
No cookies in use
No creepy cookies

archive fall 2021

20 sep 21 … 01 sep 21

Sep Flower Morning Glory
Mourning Glory for September

c: Msg on security

Ever visit a for-pay tire hydrant?
Well, ya need to.
(Think about the earth, please!)

#   20 Sep 2021 15:35:38 - SKZ5
(Now who said that)
Partee peepl are you ready?
'cause I am!
(previous video was great but was taken down)

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#   Mon โ›Ž 20 Sep 2021 13:31:42 ๐ŸŒณ // VD6P

(That ol' Dynamite Prize)
Spanky-ol' paleroo, you still can't dig?
Yes, yes, of course, obviously, that Eyevermectain in 2015 did in fact win The Dynamite Prize — for helping out people who had a river worm squirmles up their groin level and cause to not be able to see anymore. But Spanky, please, them horrid groin worms ain't the same thing as a COVEDs! Git yer Anti(COVED)Shot!! ๐Ÿ’ข
Wazzat? Spanky, of course I got tube . . . 'cause I'm a belt and suspenders kinda person . . .

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#   Mon ๐Ÿต 20 Sep 2021 12:41:03 ๐ŸŸ // PMB3

(Ever Had That Happen)
non-sexually-designated-human-person-thing, I just had a chicken McFish Steak that blew me out to next week. Say what ya want, but sometimes fried fish steaks on a tart mayonnaisey dill bun with like, literally, a slice off a vinegary little pickle is just what the docta ordered.
Is this so?
Yes, I do believe this is so
— Whazzat? Well then just take the damned pickle offin it. ๐Ÿ™„

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#   Mon 20 Sep 2021 08:18:12 // TSBE
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

. . . I'm telling ya, there's no particular reason —
Well, I'm not buying it.
Why not? Why not?
Because there is always a reason when the people call your nickname as El Poopy-shorts
Oh, please. I bet you think you're some kinduh Santos Ortega.

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#   20 Sep 2021 11:41:42 // 64DP
— @#$%&* —

Have you even had any shots today?
why Not Why NOT?

# 20 Sep 2021 09:08:24 โ“ UA2L
structure supports forms nonviable; so are we to say that Structure is inimical to the 'advancement' of Life? Have we mistaken venom for [the] domine? — wazzat? yes-yes-yes, at least for the sake of talking about this thing, let's assume 'time' 'flows'. Now, please . . .

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#   Sun ๐Ÿšฝ 19 Sep 2021 21:07:13 ๐Ÿšป // BPHS

(Mess this Mess Around)
Mess with terlet
Mess with mind

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19 Sep 2021 - BL2X
by The Great Me #
Tilikum, please!
People are gonna think you've
got a condition

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# 19 Sep 2021 16:59:51 ๐Ÿงฟ ZVG6
(Glass Factory)
'Twas a bead blowance, indeed
Yes, quite a blowance of beads
Far exceeding my highest expectations

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#   19 Sep 2021 15:59:42 - NZS6
(Let UR eyes hear)

Listening View 18-12 Sep 21
You can listen on it
Like a hose and stuff
To the heart level

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#   Sat 18 Sep 2021 12:52:17 // 9EUV
โœŒ ๐Ÿ•Š โ˜ฎ โœŒ ๐Ÿ•Š โ˜ฎ

hey good-lookin', wanna go make the scene at the Foghat concert?
whoa, whoa. don't get so uptight
i didn't know this booth was occupied.

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#   Sat ๐Ÿ“ 18 Sep 2021 10:46:28 ๐Ÿ’ช // MRGB

(FEMA Regions Sportball)
awwwwwwWWW, yeah!
I've received invitation to today's sportball contest and I'm very much looking to it with a view towards forwards. You see, FEMA Regions 7 Sportball Unit is just waaaaaay more capable than FEMA Regions 5's. And if they try to text us we'll be on 'em like owls on rice thins! I tell ya, it'd be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
Lemme put it this way, the credibility gap between FEMA Regions 7's sportball unit and Region 5's is moon-sized in its cavernousity. And with addition, any body can see that the people who inhabit FEMA Region 5 are silly to the point of having a condition for prawns and fondue, so you probably don't want to imagine how things are down at their toilet facilities. (stinky)
BURN! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Ha! Ha! No,no — they know it's not false.

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tmnw #   02:33   ๐Ÿ•   18 sep 21   | 13856 [23] // NUQG

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#   Fri 17 Sep 2021 23:43:06 // PQTU

๐ŸŽต A Song About
Bringing Down the Rain ๐ŸŽต
You're Welcome!

{ ๐ŸŽน and a show }

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[[ 17 Sep 2021 16:20:21 ]] # VC8E
Um, I dunno, maybe because the place always smells like ferrets, popcorn, and hot-buttered farts? no-no-no-no-no, it has literally everything to do with it. ๐Ÿ™„ Little help here, please?
the time is now: 16:20

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#   > > 17 Sep 2021 14:28:43 // J6QR < <
. . . because, spanky, every body knows that stuff always comes out so much better when you h U r R y through it like a scatterbrains zonked out on that nazi drug . . .
. . . spanky, it's literally Science . . .
. . . well, spanky, you're like almost literally the only one who thinks that — literally, so . . .

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~ #   9FCS~
๐Ÿ’‰   Emergency Sh*t-Post System   ๐Ÿ’‰
Hey, hey, hey!
make it a day!
get the Anti(COVED)Shot!
(re)Achieve your BMI!
— and always —
tele-see a docta if it stings when you pee

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#   17 Sep 2021 13:40:21 // MPGJ
— @#$%&* —

. . . it wasn't exactly a walk in a bundt cake,
if you know what i mean . . .

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#   Fri ๐Ÿ“ 17 Sep 2021 12:20:00 ๐Ÿฆบ // 3XJE

(FEMA Regions Sportball)
In the FEMA Regions most people will assume that when you talk about sportball, you're talking about ping-pong. In the spirit of friendly conflict, FEMA Regions sportball enthusiasts are quick to impute stuff on those personalities living in FEMA Regions different to their own.
After a time, people will maintain allegiance to "their" previous FEMA Regions Sportball unit even after having been relocated to a different region. As they say, it can get "hairy like a Larry" (ha ha ya don't know the half part of it) but it's also exciting divertment so at the end of the day no body tries to take it all the way to wrothnicity, at least not on the long run, anyway . . .

FEMA Regions 1 & 2 sportball enthusiasts:
Oh yeah? FEMA Region 4 is chock-a-block full with hix and dix and not much else, pal!

FEMA Region 4 sportball enthusiasts:
Whatever, people, What. Evah! At least FEMA Region 4 doesn't reek of pee and feet all the time like FEMA Regions 1 & 2 do!

exciting divertment!
yes indeedy-doo, spanky-roo

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#   17 Sep 2021 03:05:18 // J64R — Janice? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Oh. ๐Ÿ˜ž I was trying to reach Janice. Sorry.

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#   Fri 17 Sep 2021 00:01:38 // 72WF

So then my own dear little Goo-Roo sort of adjusted its groin wrapper a little bit and scritched its leg with its favorite stick that it maintains perfect nonattachment to and . . . [ just riveting! ]     { more } 83754~3687~93161

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#   16 Sep 2021 22:56:06 // N7DR

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#   16 Sep 2021 22:18:59 // SLA2
— @#$%&* —

Did you get more shots?
Y-knot? Y-knot??
Also, reachieve your BMI

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tmnw #   21:44   // ZVJU

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#   16 Sep 2021 14:13:15 // X4Z6
Ain't because ya didn't mean it
but 'cause ya didn't look like
you meant it
is this opaque?

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#   Thu ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ 16 Sep 2021 13:38:54 ๐Ÿ’ // 8HBU

spanky, Spanky, SPANKY
the created CAN NOT be UNCREATED
do you deny this?
whut? can it be destroyed?
well, obviously, that is: yes
but spanky you haven't faced the facts

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# 16 Sep 2021 13:16:04 โ“ Y8XQ
Why in the name of my sharona are the british so effortlessly good at rock and roll? Can any one explain this, please?? Where did they get the knack? It's crazy.

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#   > > 16 Sep 2021 12:45:04 // TZ4A < <
it ain't hard
it's . . . tedious

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16 Sep 2021 - W74B
by The Great Me #
UR2 Purty

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[[ 16 Sep 2021 12:06:50 ]] # 368H
Wanna protect yourself
and others?
Spanky, that's just good old fashioned
the time is now: 12:06

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#   16 Sep 2021 11:37:30 - 7PD6
But maybe they prevailed
because they were smarter
no, no, you're right too much baggage
let's say determined
focus over smarts, y'all

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#   Thu 16 Sep 2021 11:31:07 // 8W7A

Good grieve, you say that like it's a bad thing.

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#   Thu 16 Sep 2021 09:15:30 // CGD8
::: ::: :::

Until we've created a symbolic processing system that can equal good ol' generalized human rotgut stupidity, AI remains a parlor trick — and not a particularly interesting one.
So? So stop chasing AI and put yer honcho efforts on The GOGHRS.
Save yer 'maters and eggs. Is what Is.

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#   ๐Ÿ‘ป   The Holy Ghost   ๐Ÿ‘ป VRAU
"Please don't make this about
your feet, Edwina."
๐Ÿ– Don't look at me
that's what it said. ๐Ÿ™„

19.45 % NOW % 19.45

little ghostie don't mess with spacetime
like briefs, it finds them confining

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#   Thu ๐Ÿฆถ 16 Sep 2021 08:07:46 ๐Ÿฆจ // FJLB

(Ugh one of those days)
Lemmesee. Hope do I put this? Hmmm.
My feet just don't feel fresh this morning.
Are you picking up what I'm laying down?
No, of course I don't want you picking up what this morning's feet are laying down. Who would?
What I mean is: do you understand. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

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tmnw #   00:18 // CJVP
But whatcha goan say
that I don't know already
yeah, I guess that's more on me . . .

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#   Wed 15 Sep 2021 20:31:45 // E8CY

Passing on a little advice I gave
(for free!)
to Eileen about how to get that
viburnum vibrating.
You are welcome!

{ Free Advice }

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#   15 Sep 2021 20:03:14 - ZWML
(still tru)
Y-knot just tweeter?
a'cause this is better
laugh yer biscuits off
still true

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~ #   8KDU ~
!   Emergency Sh*t-Post System   !
But you're incorrect, um, just wrong
They did not either mean to twotime ya.

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#   15 Sep 2021 // T8L2   steely dan

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15 Sep 2021 - W3B5
by The Great Me #
Santa is too a Booger Picker

What? No, no, no. Hey, don't know what I mean so don't tell me what I mean. Yeah? Yeah? Well, eye thinks it's funny and I happen to be the one paying for this idiocy. Whatever. BUT, ask yourself, why do they always talk about him slipping a finger inside of his nose? Hmmmm? BUSTED. Besides, it's a photo of him doing it, well, at least an artistic conception of a photo of him doing it, but do you really think everyone was just making it up??? Hey, listen: up your nose with Santa's rubber hose. (I don't care if you think it's rude — that's why I said it that way) Santa-baby, plz don't wipe your boogies on me, it's ucky, and now it stings a bit when I pee. . . NOBODY wanted that coming down their chimney at night or noon or any other time! Congratulations! You got me all worked up. Redickulouse. I know it isn't yet Halo Weens — that's literally, literally not even the point! I'll tell you this: I'm beginning to wander about you, Spanky. You're almost making me uncomfortable a little bit.

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[[ 15 Sep 2021 17:53:23 ]] # RNV7
Once you got a fortune kooky that said
fill yourself with care that you don't
take a whiz on the only decent wisdom
that managed to bounce off yer toe
when was that?
the time is now: 17:53 - YMMV - NOW

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#   Wed ๐ŸŒฐ 15 Sep 2021 17:25:11 ๐ŸŽด // BQEU

(what a hyper spanky you're)
For the ๐Ÿ’– of your deer, sweet vagina-owning genitor's lovely [coconut pie / homemade tortilla / bedtime songs / green beans / sense of humor / financial skillz / abilities with a piano or clarinet though not necessarily in that order] or just whatever it was that you remember that gyna-owning person who crapped you out for, you need to stop trying to put lazer-beams on every single thing. OK? It's just sensation. It don't mean nuthin'. Heck, NUTHIN don't even mean nuthin'. You see what a bind you get tickled up in with that kind of silliness? My word. No, I'm not upset. I am, like K-tel, trying to give you a hunert dollars worth of records for like $9.99. Spanky, I luv ya like the really, really smart and even more loyal dog that I never had, but, seriously, sometimes you just wear me out. ๐ŸŒป and I mean that in a kind, loving, helpful, respectful way that few, if any, have ever mustard before! — What? Spanky, if you have a belly button you were born. K? Well, yes, if you encounter a so-and-so sans belly button then, sure, I'd be a little suspicious on that. ๐Ÿ™„

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# 15 Sep 2021 17:02:58 โ˜ฎ KSRC
Dangit, Spanky

I ain't talking about those good,
potassium-rich bananas (or the linen)
and I don't wanna change your Mind
. . . but you do too know that since
first breath ain't none of this made
any kind of sense (no, no, you do, too)
Spanky, please, it is the desire for sense
that gets yer underpants knotted up so tight,
so for the luv o' saint pete, can ya RELAX

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#   > > 15 Sep 2021 16:15:02 // TB4M < <
Spanky, did you get your shots yet?
Why not?

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tmnw #   15:57 // VFLG  
    Up . . . and down . . .

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๐Ÿ’ซ 15 sep 2021 # 12:10 SRZL automagic poing ๐Ÿ’ซ

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15 Sep 2021 - 4LXG
by The Great Me #
Attentional Control
There is now a listening view, Spanky
So if ya gotta do something ya
could listen while still

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#   14 Sep 2021 // CG8W Didja git Anti(Coved)Shot? Y-KNOT??

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#   14 Sep 2021 15:55:16 // 4STB — The Canonization of Sexless Saint Simp Finally

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#   14 Sep 2021 14:11:43 - XYSA
I think my [belly] button
is getting bigger
(increased diameter and depth)
Is this possible?

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#   Tue 14 Sep 2021 13:55:38 // Z4S2

Will ya help run the noggin choppers for food?
[Y]es     [N]o

Oh, please . . .

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# 14 Sep 2021 13:16:54 โ“ D52J
Is it bullying to tell off
a gol'danged cissy?

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#   14 Sep 2021 12:59:33 // 7KP5
you have heard it said:
but now it is sayed:
if you have ears, let it gong your brainz

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14 Sep 2021 - QKSX
by The Great Me #
Spanky, please!
People are gonna think
you've got a condition

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#   > > 14 Sep 2021 12:00:47 // 4UX2 < <
. . . and The Miracle felt like
a pain in the azzbutt
for every body involved . . .

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~ #   XZKN ~
๐Ÿ’‰   Emergency Sh*t-Post System   ๐Ÿ’‰
Thinning Patience Continuing to Thin
some might call it "The Thinening"
( is that like alopecia? )
Have ya asked your docta about a
5-alpha reductase inhibitor?
Some say that works like a berry!

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tmnw #   02:04 // LJZ6
Hey, c'mon now — what's a few dozen trillion between friends?
whu? 15 minutes later for work? no no no
FIRED (ain't like money grows on trees you so-and-so)
besides, there's always more money when you got a hunkin' weepon, or at least if people think you do cowpoke

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#   14 Sep 2021 01:46:29 // FG8U
Oh, mamma!
right on the ol' tweeter

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#   13 Sep 2021 17:57:43 // LCWQ
— @#$%&* —

Ma-er,um peener-owner-o' Jeez -- uh, Sweet
(they weren't wrong ya know)

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#   13 Sep 2021 17:35:31 - TQMP
how is it you have not heard?
convenience is dead
outta style, too

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#   Mon 13 Sep 2021 16:32:09 // 4QMV

. . . hey, listen, i'm soerry
i mean, um, i don't want to be
that person ๐Ÿ™„ ya know?
but, still, i think the word you're
looking for is sarcastacidic
no, no, no; think nuthin' of it —
happy to help and you're most
most, most welcome ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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tmnw #   14:53 // 3RNQ
you jibber and jabber like you think you know, while you got COVEDs spores sailing up your nose . . .

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#   Mon 13 Sep 2021 11:47:57 // EQKX

Did you get The Anti(COVED)Shot?
Why not? Y-knot??
๐Ÿ›‘ Stop reading this nonsense
Clear your e-lectronic cloudyCal ๐Ÿ“…
and go get The Fvk-wording Anti(COVED)Shot
(sorry 4 the blue language)
but chicken wings and wheat crackers
What part of thinning patience
Do you somehow not understand? ๐Ÿ˜ก

{ more }

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#   Mon ๐Ÿ†“ 13 Sep 2021 10:58:53 ๐Ÿ–ผ // AKJL

( Y-oh-Y )
In the lopsided smile of that Moaning Lisa, why oh why is it so hard not to hurry?
Sweet, pink ascended master! Lil' help here, please?
Not all of us were born without a silvery spoon stuck in our ice creamholes to a world free of spacetime. Ya know . . . ๐Ÿ™„

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#   ๐Ÿ‘ป   The Holy Ghost   ๐Ÿ‘ป   QFLR
10 + x = 21
x . . . 21?
ghostie sez:
hey, I heard that
332 % WAS IS % 332

little ghostie don't mess with spacetime
like briefs, it finds them confining

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tmnw #   23:03// RG87
Y-knot just use the FS? — yeah, eye looked at that but it doesn't support buzzwords, so . . .

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#   12 Sep 2021 22:23:13 // 69DX
yeah well kids do annoying stuff
this ain't kids letting off steam
there are teams out there
plinking out the streetlights one by one
oh noes, it's dark sometimes
poke fun but I'm telling ya
it's preparatory and
it ain't good

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#   oh, great. now isn't that just typical . . .

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#   12 Sep 2021 20:54:53 // 9VMJ — x.x.x.x.x H U R R Y x.x.x.x.x

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# 12 Sep 2021 20:13:02 โ“ Q3CS
got UR shots?
? Y-knot ?

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12 Sep 2021 - YF3T
by The Great Me #
Status Level Yellow C 3
1/2 Travel Restricted
2/2 Procreation Prohibited
msgid //Y-F-3-T//

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#   12 Sep 2021 // 98EP ๐Ÿ’– the ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ™

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#   > > 12 Sep 2021 14:35:08 // TVYB < <
Ouchie! Right in the gootoob!
Folks, that's gotta hurt.

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tmnw #   14:15 // 6EZB

Read my mouth: I did not exhale vigorously on that crazed sportsball enthusiast.
Thank you.

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~ #   PLSR ~
๐Ÿ”ซ   Emergency Sh*t-Post System   ๐Ÿ”ซ
Looks like hairy Larry the elder and
that redoubtable Rose are set to aim
the fully-charged Mi2 raygun at Newsom
the gruesome's wife for her alleged
services as a fixer for Harvey Wienerstones
๐Ÿค Tweeter ๐Ÿค
is it a trap?

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#   Sun 12 Sep 2021 09:49:16 // PDUN

get bent!
huh? whut? ok, well . . .
so you were already bent to begin with?
ok, ok. well then stay bent
i don't know what you want from me
i really just don't

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#   12 Sep 2021 08:49:43 - 3ZYM
(It is upon me)
I'm experiencing a powerful wen
for some fried cod
And what's wrong with that?
n o t h i n g

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#   12 Sep 2021 07:49:23 // BQ4F
— @#$%&* —

Spanky, please, can't you see I'm begging you, I'm begging you in hot-damned italics, can't you see that? I'm freqing begging you with every typeface I can mustard, how don't you understand? People are gonna think you've got a condition.
And believe me I know that you think that's not a "big deal" but Spanky I'm hear to give you a secret: you do not want people thinking you have a condition whether it's a big deal or not. Spanky, ya gotta trust me. I know, I know, no of course we are all alone in our bodies, but Spanky that's not the point . . . I never said any such thing . . . Spanky, I never said I never said things! Only that I never said that such a thing . . . spanky, Spanky, SPANKY I'm on your side!
Sweet pink baby L_rd, I'm somehow always half-a-bag shy of my taters with you . . .

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~ #   MXFN ~
๐Ÿ’‰   Emergency Sh*t-Post System   ๐Ÿ’‰
Frens doan let frens
wander the square w/o their
Thank you

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#   Sun ๐ŸŒœ 12 Sep 2021 06:47:43 ๐Ÿคก // QHUF

(Clarity is Paramount)
. . . now i think what our fren here is saying is that it's identical with — whut? oh. so maybe not identical, then, but, um, similiar? — ok, similar to the tears of a clown when there are no other clowns around? does that put us on the good end of the stick regarding the situation with these isolated clowns? good, good. i'm glad we were able to clear this up to our mutual satisfaction — i suppose we might even venture to say: yay, us!

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#   Sat 11 Sep 2021 22:27:55 // 3X7D
777 7777 77

Peem-owners don't get better (nice) they thy get tired (less Test [-]). Don't kid yourself. Or do. It doesn't matter.
Alt: never give a sucker an even stephen.

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#   11 Sep 2021 19:16:28 // 9J8D — Know what's nice? Curried rice.

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#   Sat 11 Sep 2021 16:48:53 // G3TB

It ain't that what that peener-owner is saying is wrong so much as that the way it was said is snottish
— Like the French?
Now รง, that right there is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.

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[[ 11 Sep 1999+2 ]] # MHNP
J_s_s H. G_wd, what are ya? Some kind of t8trphile?
the time is now: 15:19

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11 Sep 2021 - LKYB
by The Great Me #
Spanky, I'm starting to think
you've got a condition

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#   Sat 11 Sep 2021 11:34:11 // XKMC
iioo ooii ioio oioi

Sportsball, Chardogs, Fruit-filled pies, and a division of the General Motors corporation!

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# 11 Sep 2021 11:20:08 โ“ DYQ8
is Virtue a luxury?

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#   10 Sep 2021 14:47:22 // HSVL
I think those Smacklers & the docs
would (dys)agree

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#   > > 09 Sep 2021 23:19:44 // 2ECH < <
we are not a secret society.
merely a society doing secret things.
so there.

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#   Thu 09 Sep 2021 20:52:33 // 4SX2

Wanna hear a good joke squiggled in my earhole tail end of July?
Well, it goes like this:
See this bureaucrat walks into a podium and — no, no, wait it gets better — it started talkin' about mandates . . .

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tmnw #   20:40 // QDZS
We now return to our regularly scheduled nonsense

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09 Sep 2021 - QX9G
by The Great Me #
That v19 Interdict is
a real
d O o Z i E
Go Cry in your Pie already

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#   09 Sep 2021 16:48:20 // 3Q8B
We've been patient, but our patience
is wearing thin
{ Duhmp, duhmp, duhmm! }
I am altering the deal
Pray I don't alter it any further
kneel before zod
S c A r Y
Still tho

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#   09 Sep 2021 // FH3B   (Elle Lypsis) . . . dot dot dot . . .

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#   Thu 09 Sep 2021 14:31:00   UM5K
Q: Whutchadoin?
A: Chewing up a double McBurgerChz, scritchin' muh lay-ugh . . .

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# 09 Sep 2021 13:28:11 โ“ 3ENA
How do you spell spicy-chicken-sammich-big mac-fried t8trs-dbl-mcBurgerChz on your little sesame seed buns? With hell frozen over cherry McFanta, too?
Is it not so?
Yes, it is so

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#   09 Sep 2021 11:38:47 // 2DKN — Is this Janice? Oh. Sorry . . .

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tmnw #   23:45 // YLM5

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#   08 Sep 2021 22:31:00 - V4RK
(Now who said that)
Cats aren't afraid
to take themselves seriously.

— ๐Ÿ’‹ SweeT sTeViE ๐Ÿ’˜

[ You can't quote yourself! ]
{ Just did. ๐Ÿ˜˜ }

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#   could go for some eye scream

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~ #   D9XM ~
๐Ÿ”ซ Emergency Sh*t-Post System ๐Ÿ”ซ
Rose McGowan has her Mi2 raygun pointed right at
Hamrod and Orpah
(and some say it's set on crispier)
Rose could've said,
Sssh. Be vewy quiet. I'm hunting t8trs
Additionally, S. Clause declined to
confirm or deny rumors his famous
๐Ÿ‘ sh*t list ๐Ÿ‘
is to be outsourced to Rose, though
he did put his finger up his nose
and acknowledge the idea to be a
"provocative one, in theory."
Don't you tell Rose
the Rose Knows

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#   08 Sep 2021 08:02:36 // QG89
say, what's that alphabet gang you got yourself mixed-up with down there to the booky place?
my sorority is Beta Lambduh Mu
how yikes?
sister*, y'all's grecian squad needs new letters
* { more }

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#   tue โšก 07 Sep 2021 14:45:14 ๐Ÿฎ // YBAT

( Life in the Farm )
Now look-see hear, I know that cows dump billions of tons of toxic killing farts on the only atmosphere we've got and that we should wean ourselves from their tastee fleischy parts and let 'em die off as G_d intended; that is, I get it.

(cow)BUT I think these environmentally negligent critters could help us out in our time of neediness. You see they are natural variant detectors. So, you take 'em out of those cow ranches and let 'em roam amongst the people and when you hear 'em bellowing MUUUUUUUU! then ya put the frontline doc shops on blast and tell everybody to get inside their own personal hangout, if they have one, and if not, then climb in a storm pipe and stuff.

You know what they say:
Adapting, it's what's coming over for dinner.

  { more }  

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#   tue ๐Ÿ 07 Sep 2021 13:14:44 ๐Ÿ˜ท // 78CQ

Smash the Flattening

. . . but that's where you're wrong, you see, because I do want to flatten the curve —

— Have you been on the freaking moon?

No. Well, not recently —

so funny ๐Ÿ˜’ flattening isn't enough! We've got to get our balls in gear and SMASH the curve! Have you seen it? Snaking around like a g-damned, um, pit snake?

Well, I mean it's not like I've been monitoring it, but . . .

Do you know what snakes are?

Some kind of reptile? No, wait —

— this isn't funny! evil. They're evil. They've got the devil in their eyes.

Oooh boy . . .

๐Ÿ˜– It's like I don't know who you are.

Because I flattened when I should've smashed?

๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ I'm gonna go before you say anything stupider.

  Folks, listen, take it from me: if ya slip-up and say you want to flatten a curve like it's 20-v19, and you see fists start to ball-up and jaws start to harden, then switch to SMASHING the curve before feelers get bruised. So much suffering is yoked to misunderstanding . . .  

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#   tue ๐Ÿ˜ญ 07 Sep 2021 11:38:27 ๐Ÿคก // LYDB

๐ŸŽต Town of the Clons ๐ŸŽต

send in . . .
    the clowns
those happy-butt . . .
but where are the clowns,
those clowns
who don't fvk around?
the gloppy tears of . . .
    a clown
when no other clowns are around . . .
please, for the love of peach-fried pies,
just send in the damned clowns ๐Ÿ˜ก
whaddaya mean they can't be found!?

sniffle, sniff . . .sniff
i'm sorry but that always just kinda
takes me & The Kitten on the heart level
๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ฟ — ๐Ÿคก [stop foolin! is sad]


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#   07 Sep 2021 10:23:03 // W89Y
— @#$%&* —

well for the luv o' holy saint pete
Stop picking at it

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#   mon โญ• 06 Sep 2021 21:29:25 ๐Ÿ’ข // PA7T

(don't labefy my emell program)
Well, this is just great.
Yet one more reason for Kaylee to try to
decommission my Big Outlook

I N E E D The Big Outlook
(bigger the better, if ya ask me)
    ((which obviously they did not))
those stinkers

it's almost like no one gives two bananas let along a whole bunch about the needs of serious emellers. guess that's just one more other thing lost to the days of time . . . ::sighing::

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#   Mon * 06 Sep 2021 21:06:50 ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ // 86KJ

(subjekt) STUFF — discuss

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#   Mon X 06 Sep 2021 11:37:24 Y // K5EC

(Doan het me 'cause eyes dum)
Eye. Don't. Under —
So, there!

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#   Mon ๐Ÿพ 06 Sep 2021 08:33:46 ๐Ÿ‘ฆ // TBAG

(Other Voices, Other Rooms)
yes, yes, yes
it was a degenerate boozer
and there were those who
said it always smelled like cheese
(and not in a good way, mind you)
but dang-it all
when it wasn't preaching the
the wonders of of its reporterage
it could split some licks
must always be so mean?

— C O V E D S —
#   BT3Q
in your eye, ear, throat
& rear end
(since 1999 + 20)
"try the biscuits, why doancha!"
06 Sep 2021 07:25:07


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#   Mon 06 Sep 2021 05:58:06 // 9A6Q

Hey, hey, hey!
It's Faaaaat Alber —
uh, Labor Day in the
So put on your birthing custard
We goan party like it's 1899!
And then some!

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#   Sun ๐ŸŽฒ 05 Sep 2021 20:41:44 ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽจ // YEAU

(oh gawd)
Words matter.
(Not this again)
Without words
Our entire [human] world
wouldn't exist.

In the beginning was the word,
and the word was with G_d
and the word was G_d

Word to the wise, Spanky . . .

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#   the best engines stutter sometimes

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#   05 Sep 2021 19:51:30 // SQTA
Good grieve
Don't worry about if
Isn't it pretty to think so?

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05 Sep 2021 - FBLW
by The Great Me #
What is all this stuff?

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tmnw #   19:08 // Q4PZ

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#   Sun 05 Sep 2021 18:02:28 // D2E9
* * * * * *

proposition: isolation doable with ๐ŸŽต & ๐Ÿ“˜
who wanna testit?
not me ๐Ÿ™„
(don't mean it ain't true)

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#   05 Sep 2021 17:05:42 // TQD4 — x.x.x.x.x H U R K Y x.x.x.x.x

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05 Sep 2021 - P4SC
by The Great Me #
Haulin' Oates Hotline
(719) 266-2837
you're welcome

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#   05 Sep 2021 15:01:00 - LSUP
(Now who said that)
I gotta couple of couches
but I sleep on the loveseat

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#   05 Sep 2021 15:02:47 - A7FG
๐Ÿ’ Primate Sapientia ๐Ÿ’
Good Stuff
goes in the underwear drawer
we didn't even have drawers
the first 99.999% of our stay here
it isn't taught
every body knows it

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#   Sun ๐Ÿคง 05 Sep 2021 09:53:07 ๐Ÿฆ  // 8FQ9

๐ŸŽต Old Goodie ๐ŸŽต

becuz yer coveds
    (yer coveds)
is up my personal nose ๐Ÿ‘ƒ

becuz yer coveds
    (yer coveds)
it now inhabits muh no-ohs!

becuz yer coveds
sailed up my nose —
when you sneezed on my fay-ace!

    ah-chu! ๐Ÿคง

oh, yes it did . . . ๐ŸŽน

    But now c'mon now, folks . . .
don't it just kinda put the stink in your socks when some other body slips their coved in your snothole without even a by your nevermind? Does me. Turns my brown eye blue, is what it does. ๐Ÿ˜    Butt   [Damint, Kaylee! it wasn't me! Well damnit then, Lil'Joe! sorry, sorry -- still heh tho? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ]   when you live in a country, you've got to take the others along with everything else. I guess . . .


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#   > > 04 Sep 2021 21:55:12 // DH6Q < <
felt a wee bit fashed all day.
    hope it ain't a case o' glubbners coming on . . .

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#   04 Sep 2021 10:50:33 // DA8X
have you ever once considered that maybe
just maybe
๐ŸŽธ rock and roll ๐Ÿฅ
ain't noise pollution?
a bit rowdy at times?
well, who hasn't?
but noise pollution?
no way, buddy-roo!
i'm just not buying it
and you can take that to the aldi
and push it around in a tiny cart
for 25 cents to a quarter!

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#   04 sep 2021 09:26:00 // e2hr

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tmnw #   03:54 // AKYW

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04 Sep 2021 - D7GW
by The Great Me #

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#   04 Sep 2021 // PZ72   eye lyke color

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#   Sat 04 Sep 2021 00:40:30 // 8YTV
- - - - - -

Was Eve the daughter of Soeton?
Could this be?
Yes, I do believe this is so.

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#   Fri 03 Sep 2021 23:34:05 // F5JN

(Oh yeah?)
Stick it in your (r)ear!
Well! I never . . .

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#   Fri ๐ŸŒ˜ 03 Sep 2021 03:55:32 ๐Ÿ—บ // SZC6

(Wordz to Wisen on)

Do not be a cause of wrinkles —
no, not even small ones.
But if you do make wrinkles,
and so cause yourself to become
a wrinkler, then you must say
"Now I am sorry as all get-out,"
and don't get cute!

For is it not written:

Those who cause wrinkles,
are they not wrinklers?
Yet if a wrinkler offers a creamy,
full-bodied apology, but then
gets cute, does not the wrinkler
remain a wrinkler cut off from [the] rest?

As a hairy mold on a questionable, but
possibly still edible, camel pastie;
yea, even as slimy parts on
an unappetizing cucumber, so shall that
wrinkler be cut off and nobody
will comfort them [and stuff].

But many will say to them,
You have made yourself a wrinkler;
[and in] an affront to decency you have,
like a baboon that, insane with lust,
shakes the swollen cheeks
of its bulbous buttocks
at whosoever may chance by,
got cute and you are now
yoked to your sorrows. Amen.

Yes, even so was it written.

Put your brain on that, Spanky!
You know you should!

No,no,no; don't hand me that —
You do, too.


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๐Ÿ’ซ 2 aug 2021 # 22:42 LHEJ ๐Ÿ’ซ

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#   Thu ๐Ÿž 02 Sep 2021 17:37:43 ๐Ÿšซ // QJ6D

(Or get NO victuals)

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#   Thu โšก 02 Sep 2021 15:17:12 ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ // DKZC

(spanky, Spanky, SPANKY)
If "ya" wanna "live"
"Something else" gotta "die"
Don't be a Scientist Denialist!
No destruction, only conversion.
Infinite Growth?
Spanky, it ain't even wrong.

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#   02 Sep 2021 13:20:42 // XAPL — x.x.x.x.x M U R K Y x.x.x.x.x

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02 Sep 2021 - JH84
by The Great Me #
[Ob ~ De]struction

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[[ 2 Sep 2021 ]] # YGJS
Resistance is not futile
Still haven't ordered pepperoni rollahs
(and, no, I don't think rock 'n' roll is noise pollution)
Why do you think I think that? ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ
the time is now:   03:48  

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#   Thu 02 Sep 2021 02:40:01 // HU2X

(Somebuddy he'p me)
Where did Jive Talk go?
More importantly,
how do we get it back ?

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#   02 Sep 2021 01:59:56 // RBPK
    um . . . poop ?

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~ #   QMPE ~
โš  Emergency Sh*t-Post System โš 
There was an E m E r G e N c Y
um, emerging
but I forgot what it was . . .
(not so emergent, then ๐Ÿคฅ)
Now don't be cute!

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tmnw #   23:44 // BFX4

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  #   01 Sep 2021 22:57:17 // CV68

Creepy Hairy

Do ya feel creepy?

Stations of the Cross

Well . . .


do ya?

Stations of the Numbers

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#   > > 01 Sep 2021 22:41:34 // B2T7 < <
๐Ÿ‘พ ever get one o' them creepy feelings
what leaves ya feeling all, kinda, um . . .

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#   01 Sep 2021 21:22:16 // FUWL — but, I mean, c'mon now . . . that is to say: is anything ever really ๐ŸŽต done ๐ŸŽต ?

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#   Wed 01 Sep 2021 20:56:49 // MC68

This Kitten went through a phase when it was really a kitten where it liked Chicken McGuggets, but since that time it will only (and I do mean only) eat its kibble. It's crappy kibble, too. Never seen anything like it. ๐Ÿ˜ธ

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#   01 Sep 2021 // 9JT8 - I'm not tryna order up a mess o' hog legs, er, pepperoni rollahs and you know what?
so far it's going pretty darned good — so put that in your bank & smoke it!

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#   Wed 01 Sep 2021 01:31:13 // H7VJ

It's 1,30 in the AM and someone
Is out there in the (micro)greenbelt
popping off a pistol
like the guns of navarone
what in the samhill?
prolly some sneaky pete

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Older Posts Summer 2021