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pmore: alphabeto!

Sep Flower Morning Glory
Mourning Glory for September

In referring on:

  #   08 sep 2021 // QG89  

say, what's that alphabet gang you got yourself mixed-up with down there to the booky place

my sorority is Beta Lambduh

sister*, y'all's grecian squad . . . . . .

Now Spanky, I want you to just relax and listen to me for a minute before you go crazy like a nut again: Look, I don't like that sister-talk up there, either. But this is a damned tricky situation and I am, after all, just tryna get stuff as right as we can in this whacko-jacko world! So let me give myself at least that much before you go haulin' the specks out of my eyes.

So and good. Yes, I did ineed type the icky "sister" instead of that good "vagina-owning sibling [or confrere]" that we both know is not only more correct, but more mellifluous too, by a long sight.) But Spanky, don't fly out of your chair all loopsie-daisy like a Korean rocket, OK? I implore you relocaate your chill and take it under a weighted blanket with ya, because —

i swear that in an effort to get 20 minutes away from the contractual sex partner who's up their nose like the coveds, this poor NAP-OG [No Acknowledged penis-owning Genitor, for you jargon buffs] here mows the damned grass 3 times a day. Like his life depends upon stickly stubbly little grasses. J_s_s H. G_d, maybe it does. I don't know. But is there nothing you can do? Pleeeeeeease? wwwowww. ok. </whine over and out>

Anyway, the reason I had to use that disgusting sister-word   [yesss? because I had to say it again just now to talk about saying it before! what? s-word? not bad. Let's do that.]   I'm on my last bad nerve and that usually ain't good. Anyway the reason I originally used the s-word is because, barbaric though it may be, that's how the members of those gender-exclusive Greek clubs refer to themselves and others of those they're sororally engaged with, not so much out of sex but almost like an honorific and stuff. It's part of their code. I know, I know, I KNOW . . . 🙄

Look-see-hear: if you were gonna write about chimpanzees in any way — book, blag, painting, film, or song — well, them haulin' their poop at one another's faces is gonna be flying around all over the damned place same as their disgusting, wet feces. That doesn't mean you gotta like it — that's just the way it is. And after all, I didn't call you a chimpanzee in a sicamore tree or a peen-hungry s-word, now did I Spanky? That's right; well, thank you; no, I did not.

you're welcome
i guess . . .