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pmore: Goo-Roo Backups

Sep Flower Morning Glory
Mourning Glory for September

In referring on:

  #   17 Sep 2021 // 72WF  

The time when dear sweet little Goo-Roo enlightened the world regarding computers and commodes, though not every body got the sense of it good . . .

So then my own dear little Goo-Roo sort of adjusted its groin wrapper a little bit and scritched its leg with its favorite stick that it maintains perfect nonattachment to, and only appeared to have become distracted somehow, and took a sip of its Fresca and smacked its lips about that for several seconds and then, thoroughly refreshed and grinning, it said to me:

It occurs to the one mind experiencing itself through all the sentient creations by which it IS eternally (though we mustn't commit the error of seeing time implied in that) uncreated and/or one-not-one but for now due to the limitations inherent in language "I" will reference as "me" that . . .

Sounds kinda rippy, if you ask me. Wuz that it?

You think everything sounds kinda rippy. No, that wasn't it; it just wanted to sip on its refreshing soda some more before continuing, which it did:

. . . will not even the most humble creature experience a cooling sense of satisfaction, possibly even glee, when the computer has backed-up? Yes, "I" do believe this is so . . . BUT when the commode has backed-up will not the creature turn away in disgust and pinch its smell holes with finger and thumb and curse the situation as an inconvenient, yea, even a smelly one? Is this not so?

And I said, "Yes Goo-Roo, it is as 'you' say." And then it waggled its can of Fresca at me because that's Goo-Roo's little kind of nonverbal code for when its can is empty or has due to entropy become unpleasantly warm or something —

Baby alive soft and sweet, are you sure this guy ain't full o' beans?

You suspect everyone of being full o' beans. You have a suspicious nature is what it is. But, yes, Goo-Roo does sometimes indulge his robust appetite with a heathful bowlful o' beans from the non-dairy bean farm his Order somehow maintains as a not-for-profit, but um, other times Goo-Roo will give its can of Fresca a small kinda little flippy toss and then quick as a flash knock that sucker clear across the room with its personal stick, which provides a sense of relief when it doesn't bounce right off your face.

Geez o' Peter. 🙄 And what do you do when Goo-Roo pulls a little stunt like that?

Nothing. Because then Goo-Roo will say, You have earholes and yet does not The Silence gong your brains out?

Buddy-roo, ain't no way that's right.

Yeah maybe, but it ain't so much that Goo-Roo is right (whatever that means) as it is that Goo-Roo isn't just exactly wrong. That's what my little Goo-Roo says.

All right, all right. Well . . . hey, listen: wanna go for tacos or chinese or something?


And so was it not written:
— and the miracle was a pain in the azzbutt for every body involved —
Yes, it is so.