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pmore: Anti(COVED)Shots

Sep Flower Morning Glory
Mourning Glory for September

In referring on:

  #   13 Sep 2021 // EQKX  

Did you get The Shot?
Why not? Y-knot??
🛑 Stop reading this . . .

Don't be a clot, get the shot. Just get the shot. The shot is hawt. Do you want that COVEDs skulking around your snot caves like some kinda monster from the olden tymes? Well then get the g-damned shot.


And when the COVEDs tries to get at you
(go and get the shot, go and get the shot)

And when that COVEDs gets a viral 'tude
(go and get the shot, go and get the shot)


Spanky, I'm just gonna say it in clear blue language: ⚕ consent or be vaccinated

Look, the Anti-COVEDs shot is what's for breakfast, lunch, and suppertime, too. — Yayuss? Well, it probably will be soon because I'm sure guessing that practioning scientists are working double-mark plus-time to make it so that you can have Anti-COVEDs in your baconand — huh? Well, Spanky no of course you don't gotta eat of the flesh of dead pigs if that don't ring your bells. 🙄

Anyway, your whatever and eggs — yessss? Spanky eggs aren't a hard requirement, either. And before you climb up my nose about cold gluten cereals and fart-butt killer cows and the rest of it (which I am totally onboard to and down with, why do you think I'm not on the board?) — damnit, Spanky, you're not listening: I didn't say you had to eat anything if you wanted to — but Spanky-roo that simply isn't true, NOT I NOR ANY OTHER BODY, AGENCY, GOVERNMENT, OR NGO IN WHOLE OR IN PART WANTS YOUR G_DF_RSAKEN GASTRIC-INTESTINES TO SWELL UP WITH WHEAT BELLY OFF THE DEVIL'S OWN GLUTEN AND PARDON ME BUT DAMN OLD NICK'S HIDE ANYWAY! For the love of anything that might accidentally be holy and somehow still creep the face of this crap-azz** planet . . . well, ahem, that is . . . do what the shoe store says and Just Do It (meaning, of course, where do it = g e t   t h e   s h o t.)

I feel like we wandered off in the field, here. What I'm trying to say is that though in the future Science may gift us with all kinds of super-convenient ways to ingest life-giving Anti-COVEDs medicaments and creams of a cool and soothing sort that smell like that good Campho-Phenique (🤞 plz-plz-plz), that for now you need to go.and.get.the.anti-coveds.shot.

Whut? Spanky I don't know if you can suck your horrid booze while taking Anti-COVEDs shots. Just in case you forgot: I am not a licensed or unlicensed, practicing or not practicing nor formally recognized here or abroad past, present, and future as a medical doctor giving you advice on your own personal body in which you will remain alone until you, um, transition. The only [non-medical] advice I have for you is to get the shot whether you feel like it or not. Is that clear like a loud but not unpleasant sound gonging your brain in your ear? — Whut? Spanky, I'm not angry; I'm frustrated.

Mostly by your incomprehsible reluctance to get a life-affirming, societally friendly probably good-for-the-environment Anti-COVEDs innoculation. Mostly. Spanky, some body has been slathering your mind with diseased misinformation because Anti-COVEDs has nothing to do with your smelly rear. That's right, no body wants to or is going to mess with your damned buns. — Oh, good L_rd, I'm well-aware that in the past people have indeed tried (and tried like the Dickens, I'll grant) to mess your buns, but the Anti-COVEDs doctors and nurses and national guardsmen and part-time on contract so-sos aren't going to. Goes right in the ol' arm like a real trooper.

Here's your list of things that need to-doin':
  1. Get the shot.
  2. Get the shot.
  3. Get the shot.
Oh, and as that infuratingly effective S. Jobs used to say at his weird techno-ceremonial rallies, One More Thing . . . everybody that matters is gonna think you're uncool if you don't, so think about that and after you've had your stinky little thinky . . .

get the anti-coveds shot

🤦‍♀️ G_WD 🤦‍♀️
🙏 🙏

I don't make one penny for these potentially (and let's face up to it probably) live-saving efforts on behalf of billion(s) of people I don't even know very good or, literally, hardly at all. It's just how I give of my own personal heart level to world+dog (yes and cat and cat — huh? damnit all I already said dog and even said it first so noneedta bite my face off jeez) — wuzzat? Well, bless your heart, you're more than welcome so thank you right backatcha. 💖