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clown world

Feb Flower Primrose
Primroses for February

# Post W589 on 02-24-2022
clown world
Like Donkey Kong
A line on the page
Breaking Updot 27 feb 22: This is what I'm trying to say, Spanknik! Just look at ol' Vlad's face there. (Or here, depending on what Tweeter account ain't deemed not good.) Hek, look at his entire body if you want to. He's saying that he doesn't want toButT. Nobody ever wants to set the world on fire. Yet somehow every body usually does. What a world! 🀑
The thing is though that people never want to. And yet …
Spank, we just gotta hope that we don't get one of them Klaus Schwab CYBER PANDEMICS. If Neato and Vlad start giving each other cyber hacks all the time, it'd make all of our webby world (and probably precious chips, too) just as yucky as wet poo!

-- * --
See Also:
πŸ”—   Russia sez nuke deterrence status raised. (via End Time Headlines)
πŸ”—   Russia sez (via ZeroHedge)
πŸ”—   No body wants to set the world on fye-ahhh!
πŸ”—   At it again

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