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from russia with urine

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# Post WTUM on 02-21-2022
Putin Toasting Earth
He'sfootnote at it again!
A line on the page
I prefer to look on the bright side of people and Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, is no different in that to me. Hefootnote gave a Opens in new Tab or Window long speech today to explain the history on this whole Ukraine deal — and what that means for current history today. But we can guess that the current U.S.A. (USA!) administration is probably gonna want to see all that sloppy Nord Stream II luv with Deutschland shutdown with little to no dallying on the dilly.
Breaking updot on 22 Feb 22: Well, that didn't take long, did it? Olaf hopped on that with no dillying on that dally. But, but — though usually having gas is felt as uncomfortable and smelled as unpleasant, those Opens in new Tab or Window Deutschlanders kinda need that gas.
Thank goodness our current leadership is free to act in whichever way seems best for the good of the world because they haven't been compromised by Russia's special army of sex-workers trained in urinating on people and taking videos of it on secret thumbdrives and stuff. I remember when the news networks spent hundreds or thousands of hours keeping us informed about these pee-pee prostitutes and how they were deployed to take control of our Commander in Chief and how scary and disappointing that was! And even though all that was yuckier than wet poo, I'm glad our good journalists didn't let up and made sure that we all of us knew about the pee terror sprayed all over the face of The Nation by The Kremlin. Diabolical. [And was it only pee games on those electronic digital movies? No — and I'm sorry for the blue word here — feces (poop)? I dunno … could it be that Our Media maybe toned it down a little? The Noble Pee Lie to, ya know, make us aware of the danger without making us sick? Where there's smoke, there's fire, and where there's pee, well … think about it … but not too much, naughty Spanky!]
What we don't know at the moment is if President Putin has taken out a bunch of BookFace advertisements to convince world+dog that whatever it is he does is the best thing and so trick people into supporting his actions. I hope BookFace is on top of this! And I'm sure they are after what happened last time some body bought like 5,000 ads and changed the course of history in the future forever! (Quite the bargain, I'd say!) I don't remember if those ads had urinating sex-workers in them, but I wouldn't put anything past The Leader of the People of the Bear. πŸ˜₯
Now I had some personal second-hand experience of those BookFace ads and I can tell you that, urine or no urine (pee), they had been weaponized into weapons of mass opinion change. [WOMOC, for your jargon buffs.] You see, usually internet ads are nothing more than a terrible, Terrible, TERRIBLE annoyance. Hek, they might even get ya steamed sometimes. But these ones had been so cleverly crafted to target the minds of voters that instead of being ignored or sneered at, they caused people to reverse their thinking about candidates and go vote for the person in the pee-pee videos! What a mess. — What's that Spankler? … no, no, that didn't happen to me (thank G_d) but it did happen to several people of my personal acquaintanceship and so I know how powerful those things were.
Look, I had friends or only just coworkers who one moment were completely normal and making overtures to the diety of their own personal choices, sometimes using spiral notebooks full of Crayola prayers and candles and strings of teeny bells — and sometimes not — but always hating the person who was out to destroy the nation with hisfootnote racist pee issues (selfish!) and then … WhAM!! right in the face with a super-high-tech Russian BookFace ads and they kinda looked around all loopy and dazed for a second or two and then (can you believe this?) they started loving the hell out of the Russian Agent and wearing little red hats and being hateful about diversity and stuff! And it stuck! They acutally voted for the Agent of Russian Pee and started speaking in the deplorable patois of degenerate bumpkins, too! It was crazy!
THANK G_D the geniuses of Madison Ave. never figured out how to replicate the mind control power of these Russian BookFace advertisements or everyone would go broke buying whatever crud they saw on internet ads all day! Can you imagine if the technology was ever unleashed at scale? sCaRy!!!!!! You might wake up a happy secular humanist, see an ad, and before bedtime have moved into a bible-belt anti-diversity religious commune pledging your $$$ and primary sex partner to some creep in a bad suit in desperate need of a shave! Anyway, the point is, Spankyloo, that whatever happens at least we are going into a fair contest without a bunch of urine whores and tricky advertisements smiting our backs! πŸ™
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See Also:
πŸ”—   Russia sez nuke deterrence status raised. (via End Time Headlines)
πŸ”—   Russia sez (via ZeroHedge)
πŸ”—   No body wants to set the world on fye-ahhh!
πŸ”—   Double Secret Probation

footnote all pronouns are theirs as far as I could determine to the best of my ability. Webclycopedia still doesn't by default list the pronouns of public figures, and while that may not be hundo-p their fault, it is disappointing. frustrating. what would be great is if we all had an app to update our pronouns so that others could pull that info as needed. oh well.

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