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In referring on:

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I wanted to give this a few days just to see if any body would bring up the glaringly obvious — and no one did …

Unless you've been living in the forest with no solar-charged batteries for your geniusPhone/laptop/tablet, you've heard all about the Waukesha Parade Accident. You've probably heard so much about it that you think you know what happened. But Spanky, like so much of what you think you know, what you think you know is wrong.

There hasn't yet been a trial and until then the P.U.S. (person under suspicion, for you jargon-heads) is here in the Great State of America presumed to be innocent. Them's the rules. If you don't like that, you can move to some place where the presumption is guiltish and G_d help you if The System (or your neighbor) ever gives you the side-eye.
the all seeing side eye

The Media and its legions of devoted people with advanced degrees in journalism and reporting and witnessing on events has done an admirable job at providing scenarios that are most-likely to be true, and thank heavens that we still count among us folks who aren't afraid to err on the side of what is right in service to their career:

I do not think I need to say that some speculations are better than other ones; we all know that fringe elements speculations aren't exactly the most reliable ones given the nature of the whacked-out brains doing the speculating. 🚫🤬🚫

But let us here together now allow cooler hearts 🥶 to take us off the groin level and bring up the one thing that hasn't yet been brought up: isn't it possible, if not likely that what we have here is a case of S.O.C. (Sudden Onset COVEDs, for you jargon-heads)? While this is only speculation and not even opinion: what if the P.U.S. was a lunatic "pure blood" and had a sudden attack of COVEDs that rendered them incapable of operating that Ford Escape effectively and that's why they lost control and mowed down all those reveling in one of the main streets of Waukesha, WI.

Has anyone — fringe or good people — even tried to determine the vax-status of the P.U.S.? Why not? Why not? And don't give me any of that irrelevant blather about HIPAA and privacy. That simply doesn't hold water when we are facing the Greatest Global Pandemic in six thousand years when something wiped out the Great King Lizards. 🙄 Besides, if you go and read your Holy HIPAA you will find that it does provide sharing of information with those who have a reason to know such things in order to conduct the bizznas of health and caring. And given that it is impossible to live on this planet alone, we are all of us every single one all in bizznas with everyone else. Think about it. Please? 😕

So it could be that what we have here is Y.A.M.U. (Yet Another Murderous Unvaxxed, for you jargon-heads) that in their sociopathic (though not necessarily maliced forethoughts) state of being brought upon themselves a COVEDs attack that ended with them running over with a mini-SUV a bunch of people who just wanted to watch some other people marching around with wind instruments and drums and whistles and eat funnel cakes and carmelized popcorn balls stuck all over with peanuts. Nothing wrong with that as far as I can tell.

Doesn't that make more-likely sense than someone sitting around on the couch and thinking, "Maybe I should go buy a bag of some fire-hot cheese curls and a meat stick, or … wait a minute … maybe I should go and drive my small "SUV" through a crowd of people that for some reason I know are crowding up the roadway like an hour away or something." It just doesn't make sense. You know that, Spanky. I know you know that.😒

Spankler-Jones, I'm trying to encourage you to use your head for something besides a place to have your hat at! Also, it is a horrible thing to not use your mind as good as you can. You can do better! 😍

Finally (and I'm about to step on some swollen-to-sausagey toes here) we need to talk about the BMI of the P.U.S. I know, I know; it's one of those super-sensitive topics that polite people like us try not to discuss, yet we must do it. VAXX status of the P.U.S. aside, what is the BMI? Yes, Spankster, it does too matter because there are many numbers out there from doctors and hospitals and experts that indicate that Those of the High BMI make up the majority of those (yes, even the Decent Upstanding VAXXED) who suffer COVEDs attacks so severe, so horrific, that institutionalization is required.

Let's just face the faq: the High BMI are almost as problematic to our healthy safety systems as the unvaxxed are. Just because it's uncomfortable won't make it go away. Sometimes 💖 means getting up a person's 👃! Yeah, yeah keep 🤫 and see where it gets us!

What is the number? Spanky, I'm not going to play that game with you. Any number I give, you can find another number not identical to the one I gave out of both good intentions and even better faith. 🙏 If I said 75%, you'd find a 78% or 70% or a 72% or what-evah. The numbers ain't never gonna be the same anyway just by the nature of that we exist in an ever-changing NOW. Plus, even doctors sometimes count stuff in different ways from institution to clinic and back again. The point is that it seems that The High BMI have a much worse time of the COVEDs — even when fully vaxxed — than those who reachieve their BMI daily out of love for themselves and their family and friends and fellow persons just generally. It's just science, Spank.

What I'm saying here, Spanky-Roo, is that while we must stay straight up the noses of the (maybe just ignorant and frightened?) unvaxxed to do the right thing and stop being viciously stupid, it is time to also go after (lovingly!) The High BMI who are clogging up the hospitals with their large bodies and also possibly creating public health issues like the one we saw in Waukesha, WI.

Even in the Before Times those of the High BMI were a strain on the public health, suffering many x many times the incidence of all kinds of chronic malfunction compared with the reasonable BMI people of the world.

You may not like this, but that doesn't mean it isn't almost certainly potentially true.

Historical Note: Waukesha is also home of the freaky Slender Man stabbing enacted in 2014 by two young vagina owners upon their body-with-a-vagina friend. One of the stabbers is already up for release. Why? Because a Master of the Human Mind doctor says they are no longer a danger and probably won't stab any bodies nearly twenty times. Good enough for me!

footnote Hat's off to the people at Ford who designed that Escape vehicle. How many smallish "SUV"s do you know of that could absorb that kind of abuse and still get the driver home to their own personal driveway where the freaked-out driver takes the effort to back the vehicle in so that its nose faces the street ready for easy picture taking of the damaged front end? Not many! 👍