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Lots of Bees

20231020\Fri In a fit of hungries I ordered a 12" supreme pizza from the Pizza Hovel. I received a txtmsg from the delivery person: "You have a lot of bees at your door."

I walked out onto the porch and found the delivery person, Cheryl, standing halfway down the driveway, pizza in hand. "You have a lot of bees! I saw them flying around!"

"I'll spray some poison on them," I said. I fetched my pizza from the delivery person and walked back to my front door before I turned and called, "Did you get stung?"

"No!" it said, happily.

"Good!" I enthused. And I meant it! The last thing I need is some person suing me over a sting because they're allergic or something. Tomorrow morning, as I leave for work at 03:40, I'll hose down the nest while the critters are cold and sluggish. Why must everything be so complicated?

The pizza was just a tad undercooked. Not the driver's (nor the bees) fault.

Lots of bees!

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