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oh my gawd — om ni cron

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# Post J4XW on 11-28-2021
  Emergency Sh*t-Post System  
Oh. My. Gawwwd.
It's Om. Ni. Cron.
Angelique Coetzee sez this
is mildish? That's childish!
omnicron as a mean robot
Mild or Mean?
xe variant quick as wild fire
Greased Lightning! A line on the page
Updot 4-30-22
A plea for climate lockdown to save the world.

~ :( ~ :( ~
Updot 4-11-22 What in the hot tamales of the Mighty Eternals? It is being reported (by themselves) that the U.S.A. (USA!) Dot Gov (CDC) is no longer going to breakout out horrorshow cases of COVEDs by the appopriately vaxxed and the almost criminal unvaxxed. Is this true?? If so, it's an extremely frustrating development for at least a couple of reasons: 1) If the unvaxxed saw the horrific numbers of themselves clogging hospitals — and worse — they might be frightened into finally doing the Right Thing; 2) If the crazy (and stupid too) unvaxxed saw how they were badly off compared to the righteously vaxxed, perhaps a nice cold shower of shame and regret might motivate them! I'm sure there are Science Reasons for discontinuing the breakout, but I fear I'm too emotionally involved to grasp them. That's not to say that I disagree with The Scientists (heck no!) but it's a shame that we the rest of the people are losing an opportunity to prod the recalcitrant into civilized society. ButT you know what they say — despair is impious as all get-out
~ +- ~ -+ ~
Updot 4-5-22
And now this XE is blazing around our own blue marbles! Why in UK it is transmissing itself around better than radio! It is the most transmissible yet. The expert scientists say that this XE is the love child of BA.1 and BA.2. Spanks, if you aren't testing regularly, you may want to consider doing so if the WHO/CDC says you maybe should. How else are us poor suffering humans going to keep track of the cases? "We should monitor the new recombinants closely, but we should not panic at the moment," sez Leo Poon, professor and virologist, University of Hong Kong, who writes reports on mutants. I would never say that Poon is a loon; but I will say that it's easy for a poon lion to say No Big! Me? I'm masking harder than ever! I know the scientists are worn to their last frazzle after two full years tour fighting this thing, but they need to keep going because it is Apr 2022 and we need a XEVAX pretty much nowish — you can do it! I bet Dr. Fauci is putting the niceties to a Pattonesque "Crush the Dirty Virus" speech right now. I hope so! And I hope you hope so, too! Please?!

~ XE ~ EX ~
Updot 2-27-22 III
I hate to tell you this, but COVEDs is even worse than the aftermath from an Einstein Boom. The Dot Gov has issued guidelines for what to do if you are trying to shelter after a big, fat hairy nuke attack, and do you know what they say? That's right maintain social distancing and wear the damned mask. All kinds of really solid advice from the Dot Gov, right here. I would highly recommend you read through it, Spankenheimer. The life you save might be your own. (Or mine!)

~ VV ~ VV ~
Updot 2-27-22 II
Jen Psaki had an interesting idea: what if COVEDs contributed to this current RUSSIAN Freakout because Vlad has, like most people, been on such a hardcore locking-it-down situation that it took a toll on his brainz and has contributed to his negative attitudes and behaviors here lately? Thank you, COVEDs! There is truly no end to this nasty critter. I'll admit that it adds to the scene, but it's in a bad way.

+ ** +
Updot 2-27-22
There is not the least bit of official SCIENCE wafting from this Updot … it ain't even a theory, though it ain't pure fantasy, either … hmmm, can we maybe call it speculative? Is that OK? Great! So, I've been a little dressed out what with Russia talking about its Einstein Booms Level Status and such, and that quite naturally got me thinking about CYBER-PANDEMIC and which would be worse. I don't think even SCIENCE knows at this time. But then I had a rather cheery thought 😊 Remember how the COVED ate the Chicken Soup Flu, the one that had been plaguing us poor hupersons forever + one day? And, as much as we all fear and detest COVEDs, it did vanish Chicken Soup Flu like frost in a hot skillet! (Maybe Chick Soup Flu got terrified of this fearsome new critter and flew off into Space. Who knows?) So, what if a CYBER-PANDEMIC got rid of COVEDs same as COVEDs wiped out Chicken Soup Flu? Listen: a person can dream! There's no harm looking at the less unlit side, Spank!

- oo - oo -
Updot 2-4-22
Now it is being reported that there is some kind of COV-AIDS kicking up dust and if you get it, it will urinate all over your g_d-given immunity system and you'll get AIDS quicker than ever! That's just great. (Of course it is not great but really really bad and the great part was just a sarcasm … so, please, calm down before you inflame your aorta!) 🙄

+++ ^ +++
Updot 1-8-22
A cold, rainy, foggy Sat.
Gosh, I sure hope with this OMNICRON raging across the planet like fires coughed up from the bowels of the earth that the stores (I know, I know) and Jeff's Webpage don't run out of vagina plugs and vagina diapers again. Because last time that was, as the Brits say, A Bloody Mess! But take heart Spanksters-who-menstruate because at Sam's Kids' Store you can buy a huge stack of washrags for like four bucks! (I think those rough and ready rags are available, but if not don't blame me. Blame those Global Squares of Cloth Chained Supplies Issues. And of course that OMNICRON.)

~~~ - ~~~
As many famous doctors of viruses — and sterling repute — are bound to tell us in the coming days (even though we all know this already) this g_d-forsaken OMNICRON may have been caused by the unwashed unvaxxed; because if they had gotten the vax, The COVEDs would already be dead and buried and would've never had the chance to spawn this latest globe-threatening monster! As far as this team of South African medicos who discovered the OMNICRON saying that it's kind of a "where's the beef" type deal, well they would say that, wouldn't they? I mean no one wants to look like the country that is allowing the unvaxxed to almost destroy the rest of the planet! 💢 😠 South Africa needs to step up their game like Australia and honcho this situation quickity-quick! I have no idea what the average BMI is in South Africa, but if it's high to very high, then they need to hop on that, too.
New York is already swinging into big, hot 'n' hairy action on this one. Do you think they are just going off half-baked? They have the shining example of The Honorable A. Cuomo on this filthy COVEDs stuff and the rest of the world should get out the pen and paper and take some damned notes. 🍎

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